Highlighting the work and the people of in-house design, communication, and brand teams from companies around the world.





San Francisco, CA

Zendesk makes customer service better. We build software to meet customer needs, set your team up for success, and keep your business in sync.

Company size




In-house team Est. TBC

Zendesk Creative


The Zendesk Creative Team is a group of professional-grade artsy weirdos with specialized skills in design, production, animation, illustration, video, audio, motion graphics, copywriting, and strategy. We handle everything from the big ideas to the basics. Some of us work on things like icons and messaging, others make websites and TV commercials. We are always collaborating, asking questions, finding solutions, and pushing for greatness. And that is what keeps our work fun, functional, and freshhhhhhh.

Team Members (60)

(AS OF PUB. DATE: Nov/28/2022)

Kristina Alford

Associate Design Director

Lori Anahata

Senior Manager, Design Operations & Programs

Beryl Baker

Manager, Brand Production

Sam Bathe

Associate Creative Director

Ariana Blair

Brand Producer, Video

Magdalena Buzala

Senior Executive Assistant

Giuseppe Cariello

Senior Brand Designer, Spaces & Experiences

Paige Carrington

Production Designer

Tori Cincotta

Manager, Motion Design

Anna Cirera

Director, Creative Operations

Kevin Cline

Senior Principal, Video

MacKenzie Covington

Senior Producer, Brand Production

Freya Dobrindt

Associate Creative Director

Victor Duran

Associate Creative Director, Video

Marta Dymek

Lead, Brand Imagery

Betsy Field

Executive Creative Director

Jordyn Fields

Producer, Brand

Rachel Frankel

Senior Brand Designer, Identity

Arienne Gagui

Brand Designer

Corey Gedrose


Faustine Gheno

Senior Brand Designer

Hubert Guy

Senior Systems Designer, Identity

Kendrick Hammond

Senior Copywriter, Video & Presentations

Natalie Hunter

Brand Copywriter

Ethan Kanat

Senior Principal, Creative Strategy

Olivia Kingsley

Executive Creative Director

Tim Lampe

Associate Creative Director, Identity

Matthew Latkiewicz

Senior Principal, Creative Strategy

Olenka Malarecka

Lead Illustrator, Brand Identity

Julia Manzischke

Brand Designer

Kimberly Mar

Senior Brand Designer

Cristina Mendoza Magari

Manager, Brand Design Systems

Adam Menton

Senior Production Designer

Julia Oller

Senior Copywriter

Brandon Perry

Senior Design Program Manager, Tools & Systems

Daniel Petersen

Sound Engineer

Erin Pinkley

VP, Creative

Colin Thomas

Senior Motion Graphics Designer

Kevin Tsukii

Manager, Brand Production

Larissa Vaz

Creative Director

Raven Wadley-Wright

Senior Copywriter

Khadijah White

Design Program Manager, Culture and Development

Jilanna Wilson

Senior Director, Design Operations

Diana Wynne

Principal Copywriter, Brand Design Systems

Silvana Yaneva

Senior Digital Designer

Monica Yap

Senior Video Editor

On working in-house…


All pushing towards the same goal, same targets, same successes creates a special sense of collaboration not only across the Creative team, but with stakeholders and colleagues from other orgs in the company. On the Zendesk Creative team we’re blessed having so many disciplines and specialisms under one roof – if you need a tip or second pair of eyes on something, there’s always someone for whom that type of project is their bread and butter. Being able to push the boundaries and take the design, copywriting, filmmaking languages in new and exciting directions – while maintaining a core brand spirit.



Being a small team in a huge company, you have to find the balance between equipping colleagues and other orgs with brand assets and self-serve systems and the innate creative desire to create something new and fresh for every brief. Unfortunately there are only 24 hours in a day. It’s both exciting and a challenge that so much is happening in other orgs – new releases or strategic changes can crop up relatively quickly that have a big impact either existing or upcoming properties which can make flowing out updates a challenge.

On working with…


It very much depends on a per projects basis – sometimes we will pull in trusted freelancers to help get projects over the line or to help with capacity, other times we’ll work with external agencies for their specialism and viewpoint in a particular discipline. What’s consistent about how we work with outside talent though is that we treat them as an extension of the team, everything is incredibly collaborative, and we trust the experts to input and lead on what they know best.



We have an existing public-facing resource, Brandland that was launched in 2019 as a resource for partners and it became a great recruiting tool.

Identity Overview
Identity Overview
Identity Overview
Identity Overview
Identity Overview
Identity Overview2022
Champions Campaign
Champions Campaign
Champions Campaign
Champions Campaign2021 – 22
Annoying Museum

Annoying Museum
Annoying Museum2021
CX Trends 2022
CX Trends 2022
CX Trends 2022
CX Trends 2022
CX Trends 2022
CX Trends 2022
CX Trends 20222022
Event Identity
Event Identity
Event Identity
Event Identity2021
Service Solution Video2021
Stories About Helpful People

Stories About Helpful People2021

Tales of Customer Service2021 – 22

Tech For Good Stories2021
Thank You Machine2020
Office Design
Office Design
Office Design
Office Design
Office Design
Office Design
Office Design
Office Design
Office Design
Office Design
Office Design
Office Design2019 – 22


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