Highlighting the work and the people of in-house design, communication, and brand teams from companies around the world.





San Francisco, CA

Flodesk is one of the world’s fastest-growing email marketing platforms dedicated to helping small businesses grow, nurture, and monetize their email list—beautifully. With our design-forward templates and intuitive UI, we make it easy for beginners and experts to design emails, sales pages, forms, and link in bios that make their brand shine.

Company size




In-house team Est. 2019

The Design Team


At Flodesk, our mission is clear—to make small businesses owners more successful through good design. Our in-house design team is small but mighty, consistently outputting large amounts of world-class creative and setting the bar for what a design-led tech company looks like. We’re a highly collaborative, tightly-knit group of versatile brand and product designers responsible for a wide range of work—including everything from marketing assets to in-product templates, trendsetting UX/UI to design systems. While the work can be challenging, it’s always exciting!

Team Members (6)

(AS OF PUB. DATE: Feb/5/2024)

Rebecca Shostak

Chief Brand Officer

Claudia Aran

Design Director

Jordi Bayona

Brand Designer

Yuri Martins

Principal Product Designer

David Oliver

Senior Product Designer

Hayk Ananyan

Design Systems & Engineer

On working in-house…


Joining our in-house design team at Flodesk offers unique benefits: Brand & product live under one roof: our small in-house brand team often collaborates closely with our product design team. This synergy is unique to Flodesk and essential for achieving our vision of a consistent experience between our external brand presence (like the website, social media, ads, etc) and the software product itself. A diverse freelance pool brings fresh perspectives: in addition to our core team, we have the privilege of collaborating with a diverse pool of talented freelancers, including top design firms and motion graphics specialists. These external collaboration projects bring fresh perspectives and incredible talent to our projects. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn from experts and incorporate new ideas into our work. A commitment to excellence: so many companies say they are “design-driven” or “have good design”—but we really mean it. Our design team is comprised of top talent and we hold ourselves to a very high bar when it comes to typography, form, color, and core graphic design principles. This excellence is part of what makes Flodesk stand out in a sea of competition, so the entire company—including executive leadership—is committed to supporting the design team with resources to ensure continuous creative innovation. Collaborative environment: We believe the magic moments that push a project from good to great come from creative collaboration. As such, we actively encourage brainstorming sessions and idea sharing among team members and stakeholders. We have a lot of fun! This approach ensures that we tap into the collective creativity of our team, leading to innovative design solutions and ensuring we maintain a level of excellence in everything we touch. Member-first design approach: our in-house team takes a holistic approach to design, considering not just the visual aspects of a given project but also the functionality, user experience, and brand consistency. We put our members at the heart of everything we do, many times putting prototypes or sketches in front of them at early stages in a project to get early feedback. We find this approach brings continuous fresh energy to our projects and ensures the work we output is a “hit” with our audience—time and again.



Working in a small, in-house team at a startup like Flodesk presents unique challenges. Versatility and adaptability is key—each team member often has to wear multiple hats and solve creative problems quickly. This might not be the ideal environment for everyone, but it can be wildly exciting and invigorating for creatives who enjoy fast-paced projects, making a huge visible impact for our small business members with every project, and enjoy an environment where design excellence is a core part of the company’s DNA.

On working with…


Collaboration is at the heart of our creative process. We believe in bringing diverse talents into our projects to enrich our design work. It also helps us execute more since we’re a small team. We recently embarked on an exciting rebranding journey with DIA Studio and Optimo. Their expertise helped us delve deep into our core identity and translate it into a compelling and visually impactful brand. The collaboration resulted in an original and rigorous visual system that truly represents who we really are. At Flodesk, we’re especially passionate about collaborating with our own community, which is full of talented photographers and designers. This synergy allows us to not only tap into their unique creative perspectives but also showcase the incredible talent within our user base. It’s a win-win partnership where we inspire and are inspired by the individuals who use our platform to bring their visions to life. This collaborative effort is a space we’re committed to expanding in the coming months, further strengthening the bond we share with our users and fueling our collective creativity.



The current brand guidelines have recently transformed our design approach, especially with our new brand launch. Rather than traditional PDFs, our guidelines now provide a dynamic suite of custom tools and templates in software like After Effects and Figma, and complex typographic guidelines that our internal design team can easily activate—and really work to maintain consistency in a modern digital brand.

Billboards campaign
Billboards campaign
Billboards campaign

Billboards campaign
Billboards campaign
Billboards campaign
Billboards campaign

Brand refresh

Brand refresh

Custom typeface
New templates
New templates
New templates
New templates
New templates
New templates
New templates
New templates
Templates & Product UI
Social Media
Social Media

Social Media
Web site


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