Highlighting the work and the people of in-house design, communication, and brand teams from companies around the world.





San Francisco, CA and Denver, CO

Vivian Health empowers healthcare professionals to find their perfect job, faster and easier than ever before.

Company size

150 (approx.)



In-house team Est. 2020

Brand Design Team


The Vivian brand design team is responsible for a variety of projects, including product marketing touch points such as homepages, App Store and Play Store assets, brand campaigns, product launches, digital marketing ads, sales enablement collateral, social media assets, and employer branding. Additionally, the team is also accountable for establishing and maintaining the company’s visual identity and brand governance.

Team Members (3)

(AS OF PUB. DATE: May/22/2023)

Olivia Dayoub

Senior Brand Designer

Rishad Amarkhel

Brand Art Director

Trajan Hague

Freelance Designer

On working in-house…


Comprehensive knowledge of our company’s objectives and culture. Seamless collaboration with cross-functional internal teams. Quick iteration and adaptation based on real-time feedback. Greater control over the creative process and all company communication design. Strong sense of ownership and investment in the company’s success. Opportunities to see the direct impact of our work on growth and success of our company.



Balancing creativity with brand consistency. Preventing burnout due to a continuous pipeline of projects. Adjusting to changing business needs and priorities. Managing internal dynamics and cross-functional stakeholder expectations. Demonstrating the value of brand and brand design team within the organization. Maintaining a fresh perspective while working within the same brand.

On working with…


We collaborate with freelancers and agencies on projects such as illustrations, motion design, and digital/performance marketing ads. This happens on a retainer and project-by-project basis, depending on the specific needs and requirements.



Our brand guidelines ensure consistency across all touch points while providing a foundation for our brand to develop, expand and evolve. Our brand guide is an essential tool for both internal and external partners, ensuring brand efficiency and consistency.

Brand Identity Overview
Brand Identity Overview
LogoDesigned by Mackey Saturday
Logo Colorways
Logo Colorways
IconographyCreated in collaboration with Tributary Design
Iconography Application — Design System Components
IllustrationCreated in collaboration with Tributary Design
Mobile App (motion)
Mobile App (Static)
Mobile App (Static)
Product Marketing Landing Page
Product Marketing Landing Page
Brand Identity Application — Marketing Ads
The Future of Healthcare Report 2023
The Future of Healthcare Report 2023
1 Million Clinicians Postcards
1 Million Clinicians Postcards
Better Campaign Visual Toolkit
Better Campaign Visual Toolkit
Better Campaign — OOH
Better Campaign — OOH
Better Campaign — OOH
Better Campaign V2 — OOH
Better Campaign V2 — OOH
2023 Nurse Sticker Pack
2023 Nurse Sticker Pack
2023 Company Offsite Swag
2023 Company Offsite Swag
2022 Nurse — Company Offsite Swag
2022 Nurse — Company Offsite Swag
Brand Refinements Video


Please maintain comments positive and constructive. Comments that are a grievance against the company, product, or service and/or are unrelated to the work shown or the in-house team details presented will be removed.