Highlighting the work and the people of in-house design, communication, and brand teams from companies around the world.





San Francisco, California, United States

Asana helps organizations orchestrate their work, from small projects to strategic initiatives. Headquartered in San Francisco, CA, Asana has more than 139,000 paying customers and millions of free organizations in over 200 countries and territories. Global customers such as Amazon, Affirm, Japan Airlines, and Sky rely on Asana to manage everything from company objectives to digital transformation to product launches and marketing campaigns.

Company size




In-house team Est.

Brand Creative


The Brand Creative team brings Asana’s brand expression to life through innovative and standardized design, copy, motion, sound, and experiences. We partner with teams across Asana to deliver emotionally resonant work to our current and future employees, customers, and prospects. Our mission is big and motivates every step we take, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. When the time is right, we create moments of unexpected delight. When we have fun, we make countless workplaces a lot less boring and help people find joy in the process of work.

Team Members (27)

(AS OF PUB. DATE: Oct/2/2023)

Claudia Abrishami

Brand Designer

Jordan Bogash

Brand Designer

Kofa Boyah


Kristyn Braden

Brand Designer

Sue Chen

Creative Producer, Core Pillar

Hillary Chin

Brand Designer

Raven Douglas

Conversion Copywriter

Greg Elzerman

Motion Lead

Roger Hensley

Brand Designer

Morgan Keys

Art Director/Campaigns Lead

Marla Landa

Creative Producer, Campaigns Pillar

Nat Leonoudakis

Motion Designer

Nick Levesque

Creative Director

Sofia Morretino

Co-Head of Design

Regina Mullen


Kyle Osher

Creative Operations Program Manager

Tamar Pacheco-Theard

Design Program Manager

Jen Rhee

User Experience Designer

Aubrey Rogers

Creative Producer, Interactive Pillar

Abheeth Salgado

Interactive Brand Designer

Jeanne Storck

Content Strategist

Dani Sundell

Brand Designer

Tara Vajra

Operations Lead

Ross Viator

Copywriter Lead

Chean Wei Law

Brand Design Manager/Interactive Lead

Hazel Wong

Brand Designer

Teresa Yang

Motion Designer

On working in-house…


Working in-house sometimes means trading breadth for depth—digging deep into creative solutions built for longevity and scale. We have the benefit of being able to iterate on our brand expression over time—meeting consumers where they are and ensuring the brand is always relevant. We not only get to care about the quick wins, but the long game of creating a brand that people recognize, resonate with, and love. Being in-house means we’re not just executing creative, but have a seat at the table and get to co-create the future of Asana with our partners.



Focusing on one brand means balancing being extremely consistent to ensure brand recognition and finding opportunities for expressiveness to ensure individuals are growing themselves and their work. Using Asana every day on the creative team allows us to become experts at understanding our product, but we need to always challenge our assumptions to create work that resonates with many other audiences and industries beyond our own.

On working with…


We typically work with freelancers or agencies for a few reasons: high-volume production work, supplementing a specialized technical skill, or transcreation and regional creative. This allows our in-house team to focus on what we know and do best, while being supported by a network of talented creators to scale our team’s reach and impact.



Our brand guidelines document the creative expression of our brand identity. We use these rules and standards in our work to build brand equity for Asana. Our guidelines are split into two sections for different audiences: using the brand for everyone vs creating the brand for designers. The best way to think about our brand expression is like a wardrobe. While we might outgrow some things and our style may evolve over time—who we are and what we stand for remain constant. Aspects of our guidelines are treated like a sliding scale—dialing up or down levels of expressiveness depending on content, channel, or where someone is in the customer journey. This allows us to be consistent where it counts, while giving us some room to push the boundaries within reason.

Brand expression

Brand expression
Brand expression 2023

Illustration 2023

The Workback magazine

The Workback magazine
The Workback magazine
The Workback magazine
The Workback magazine 2023
The Anatomy of Work global index

The Anatomy of Work global index
The Anatomy of Work global index 2023
Employee resource group branding
Employee resource group branding
Employee resource group branding 2023

Brand campaign
Brand campaign 2022

Video ads 2023


Please maintain comments positive and constructive. Comments that are a grievance against the company, product, or service and/or are unrelated to the work shown or the in-house team details presented will be removed.