Highlighting the work and the people of in-house design, communication, and brand teams from companies around the world.





San Francisco, CA

Yelp’s mission is to connect people with great local businesses. We are a community of millions, dedicated to sharing first-hand experiences to help others live a better day.

Company size




In-house team Est. 2021

Yelp Creative Team


We’re a team of writers, designers, and project managers who make up Yelp’s internal creative agency. (And at least one of us is obsessed with eggnog.) Our sole purpose is to enable fandom, both inside and outside of Yelp. We don’t just make pretty things: We make things that move people to take action and to feel something, because our work is only as good as the fans* it creates.

Our work is founded on a deep understanding of people, shaped by endless curiosity, listening, and learning. We uncover and share the stories within Yelp—stories that are as diverse and interesting as the community itself. They range from introducing the world to great people, “Stan the plumber saved my pipes and my life”, places to go, “The staff here makes you feel like family”, things to try, “The spaghetti carbonara will make you cry”, and products to help businesses, “Waitlist doubled my repeat customers”.

* Fan. Noun: Someone who is so passionate about something that they are compelled to share it with others, spreading the love and creating more fans. Doing our best work means creating fans of local businesses, fans of Yelp, and fans of our team.

Team Members (23)

(AS OF PUB. DATE: May/23/2022)

Danny Barry

Senior Copywriter

Jeremy Brady

Global Group Creative Director

Wallace Bridges Jr.

Design Lead

Adam Capell

Associate Creative Director

Lauren Clubb

Senior Designer

Tray Epps

Program Manager, Creative

Rowena Harris

Associate Creative Director

Alicia (Dillon) Hood

Creative Project Manager

Patty Jordan

Head of Brand Creative

Kristine Kazarian

Associate Creative Director, Copywriter

Joel Kennedy

Associate Creative Director

John Middleton

Senior Digital Project Manager

Perry Nelson

Senior Copywriter

Patrick Riggs

Senior Motion Graphics Animator

Kevin Sandoval


Eddie Seiglie

Senior Copywriter

Stefanie Shoemaker

Senior Designer

Jeremy Stabile

Associate Creative Director

Angela Stowers

Creative Project Manager

Dave Thompson

Creative Project Manager

Leslye Tischenko

Senior Designer

Phaedra Valencia

Creative Project Manager

On working in-house…


Access: Being Yelp’s in-house creative agency gives us better access to the people and creative opportunities not typically afforded to an outside agency.Creative Partnership Org: Due to our staffing and org model, we’re equally poised to conceive of any campaign concept with the ability to develop an idea from strategy to execution.Skills: And it’s all underpinned by our deep well of expertise in Creative strategy, Interaction Design, Prototyping, Visual Design, Interior Architecture, Copywriting, Brand Identity Design, Wayfinding, Graphic Design, Information Design, Animation, Video, Motion Graphics Packaging, and 2D/3D Illustration.



Scaling, velocity, quality and or prioritization.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eget scelerisque arcu, sed scelerisque enim. Cras eget vulputate est, quis vehicula est.

On working with…


We work with freelancers and agencies when we’re at capacity or when we don’t have the skills in-house.



Our brand guidelines let us spend less time on pixel and copy perfection, and more time on big ideas that get people to feel something.

Y! Creative — Team Branding
Y! Creative — Team Branding
Y! Creative — Team Branding
Y! Creative — Team Branding
Y! Creative — Team Branding
Y! Creative — Team Branding
Y! Creative — Team Branding2022
Yelp Biz — National B2B Website
Yelp Biz — National B2B Website2021

We love the age-old adage, “keep it simple, stupid.” In the spirit of keeping it simple, we created a campaign to help business owners get the most out of Yelp with this one simple fact: Study shows 97% of people make a purchase after visiting Yelp.

National B2B Ads.2021
Yelp Onward — 360 Campaign

Our superpower is people—the people that dare to go forth to try new things, then come to us to share those experiences. This campaign is an ode to those people and the businesses they love. We named this call to arms, “Yelp onward”.

Yelp Onward — 360 Campaign

Yelp Onward — 360 Campaign
Yelp Onward — 360 Campaign2021
Turn the Tables
Yelp for Restaurants — Turn the Tables campaign2022


Please maintain comments positive and constructive. Comments that are a grievance against the company, product, or service and/or are unrelated to the work shown or the in-house team details presented will be removed.