




Art director, Designer

Bob Patten

Copywriter, Creative Partner

Mary Katherine Quasarano


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MSU Developmental Stuttering Project by Patten ID


An on-going, life-long study of stuttering subjects. Soo Eun Chang, Ph.D. is researching neural pathways and how they affect fluency for those that stutter. This is a study taking place at Michigan State University Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders.


MSU Developmental Stuttering Project needed a bold, but friendly professional icon that would help attract participants for the on-going study. They decided early on that a professional designer was needed to help convey the concept of the relationship between the brain and stuttering.


After researching the client’s study it was clear that a connection had to be made between the brain and the fluency of speaking. The concept is a rather complex one and needed to be broken down to a simple icon. The talk bubble helped tie the working brain together to nail the concept. 

Our multi-year research project sought a logo for use in recruitment, promotion, and communication efforts. The meetings prior to the initiation of design helped us appreciate the value and potential the final work held. We were engaged in the process: gently pressed to share who we were, what colors spoke to us, and what would resonate not only with us, but with our intended audience. When presented with design, our expectations were exceeded. We were proud and pleased. This logo speaks so eloquently to who we are and what we do. — Soo Eun Chang, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Principal Investigator and Kristin Hicks, M.A., CCC-SLP Research Coordinator at MSU Developmental Stuttering Project

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