Bob Faust
Principal & Creative Director
Chicago, IL / USA
ONLINE faustltd.com fullmoonprojects.com
Bob Faust is the principal and creative director for Faust, a cultural branding and communications studio whose work straddles the line between art and design. His collaborative and non-secular approach to his work results in functionally expressive visual experiences that inspire change and instigate tangible actions. He has been recognized as a design leader nationally and internationally and has received many accolades and awards from publications and institutions such as Communication Arts, Print and How magazines, the Society of Typographic Arts the London Creative Competition and Under Consideration. As well as an artist in his own right, Faust is also the studio/special projects director for artist Nick Cave, where he both collaborates on exhibition design as well as produces Cave's performance works. He currently serves on the Appleton Coated Design Council as well as the School of the Art Institute's Fashion Committee and recently sat on the board of directors for both AIGA Chicago and Riverside Arts Center.
Sojourn: the brief journey of a museum exhibition identity from the studio, to the title wall, into the streets and back home to the coffee table.

"Nick Cave: Sojourn" Title Wall

Roanne Adams / Justin Ahrens / Keira Alexandra / Eli Altman / Jim Bull / Jim Coudal / Mario Eskenazi / Bob Faust / Dawn Hancock / Mark Kingsley / Jennifer Kinon / Björn Kusoffsky / Jonathan Lee / Bobby C. Martin Jr. / Dave Mason / Sebastian Padilla / Jefferson Perky / Sol Sender / Adrian Shaughnessy / Alisa Wolfson / Lance Wyman