Keira Alexandra
Lady Designer
New York, NY / USA
ONLINE work-order.co employeenumber1.com
The thing about writing about design work is that it's at best a stilted translation; a slightly accented and inexact collection of almost-synonyms. I work with words as a profession but specifically as they meld irreversibly with visuals and sound and animation. I want to tell you how that is for me and what I make, best I know how, which is this:
Working in the creative field for over 20 years, I've been pursuing aspects on the fringes of graphic design that are full, dimensional, funny, and, ideally bulletproof in their message and method. My work attempts to make you laugh, think on occasion (if you have time for that) or generally bemuse. It's in the sound and speed and pictures and words. Get to the core of each project and make it coalesce as its best self. That's important for me. Solving problems, unpacking a task and putting it back together to build a better Steve Austin. And more than anything, to keep all work dead simple.
With extra thanks to Kiera Coffee for writing in the first person on my behalf.
How to make something for someone else to make. And much, much more. 50% Off.

Comedy Central logo and on-air look

Roanne Adams / Justin Ahrens / Keira Alexandra / Eli Altman / Jim Bull / Jim Coudal / Mario Eskenazi / Bob Faust / Dawn Hancock / Mark Kingsley / Jennifer Kinon / Björn Kusoffsky / Jonathan Lee / Bobby C. Martin Jr. / Dave Mason / Sebastian Padilla / Jefferson Perky / Sol Sender / Adrian Shaughnessy / Alisa Wolfson / Lance Wyman