Basic Identity Applications






Alex Rinker


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Ted Perez + Associates by Ted Perez + Associates
Ted Perez + Associates by Ted Perez + Associates
Ted Perez + Associates by Ted Perez + Associates
Ted Perez + Associates by Ted Perez + Associates


A Venice, California-based digital creative agency.


Carrying over from the logo…The challenge was to create a system that needed to feel as timeless and historic as the man (Ted Perez) while still feeling relevant today. The nature of the company business was not important. It needed to feel as though it was intended for a law firm, government agency, or any well respected business. Key aspects of Ted Perez’s history and significance were also included in the identity system in the form of quotes and icons. In addition to the design, the quality of the stock and printing process were just as pertinent. 


In researching vintage letterheads, cards, seals, marks, identity systems etc., the thing that stood out were these glorious mastheads and “official seal” elements that had a wonderful consistency throughout. These were used to define our masthead with the addition of stamps, embossers, stickers and seals as secondary enhancements. Complementing the primary “Bull” seal is the “ATL” mark. Short for “Attention to detail,” this mark has found its way into all second tier materials. Both the masthead and seals were letterpressed and secondary elements were applied via stamp, sticker and embosser for authenticity.

The nature of working in the digital landscape is that it is ever evolving. The company is constantly pursuing new technologies, ideas, trends and strategies. The initial discussions around the rebrand led our focus to design a visual identity with a solid foundation that would out-live the subject matter of our endeavors. Focusing on company values and history were key. Details within the elements of each piece give insight into this matter without being too overpowering. Upon first glance at the new design, one might think it was designed 100 years ago or yesterday — timeless yet relevant. Overall we are very pleased with how it all came together and will remain proud as it serves as our company’s identity. — Taj Tedrow, chief of Ted Perez + Associates

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