Organized by the leading textile associations in Germany, this is an annual convention for major German fashion brands whose name translates to Textile and Fashion Dialogue. The industry leaders gather to present and discuss new advancements, trends, and development methods relating to textile and their field.
Positive first year results justified the Textil- und Modedialog’s existence and the value of its continuation. Event organizers desired to brand the experience to enable higher recognizability in years to come. Organizers also learned the importance of removing their own logos from Textil- und Modedialog logo applications as the event was allowed to grow into its own being, independent of funding organizations.
The act of individuals joining together in discussion was seen as a metaphor for textile itself. This view drove decisions of how to represent and combine logo elements. The interchangeability of the logo mirrors fashion and its permanent state of never-ending transition. Depending on the background, the “T” and “D” trade their colors to maintain the proper reading order of “T” first, “M” and then “D”. The logo debuted using cyan, magenta, and yellow, but following years are encouraged to use new color combinations.