




Creative Director

Nadine Villani


Isaac Roethe


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die wegmeister gmbh
Textil- und Modedialog

Textil- Und Modedialog by Die Wegmeister GmbhTextil- Und Modedialog by Die Wegmeister GmbhTextil- Und Modedialog by Die Wegmeister GmbhTextil- Und Modedialog by Die Wegmeister GmbhTextil- Und Modedialog by Die Wegmeister Gmbh


Orga­nized by the lead­ing tex­tile asso­ci­a­tions in Ger­many, this is an annu­al con­ven­tion for major Ger­man fash­ion brands whose name trans­lates to Tex­tile and Fash­ion Dia­logue. The indus­try lead­ers gath­er to present and dis­cuss new advance­ments, trends, and devel­op­ment meth­ods relat­ing to tex­tile and their field. 


Pos­i­tive first year results jus­ti­fied the Tex­til- und Mode­di­alog’s exis­tence and the val­ue of its con­tin­u­a­tion. Event orga­niz­ers desired to brand the expe­ri­ence to enable high­er rec­og­niz­abil­i­ty in years to come. Orga­niz­ers also learned the impor­tance of remov­ing their own logos from Tex­til- und Mode­di­a­log logo appli­ca­tions as the event was allowed to grow into its own being, inde­pen­dent of fund­ing organizations.


The act of indi­vid­u­als join­ing togeth­er in dis­cus­sion was seen as a metaphor for tex­tile itself. This view drove deci­sions of how to rep­re­sent and com­bine logo ele­ments. The inter­change­abil­i­ty of the logo mir­rors fash­ion and its per­ma­nent state of nev­er-end­ing tran­si­tion. Depend­ing on the back­ground, the “T” and “D” trade their col­ors to main­tain the prop­er read­ing order of “T” first, “M” and then “D”. The logo debuted using cyan, magen­ta, and yel­low, but fol­low­ing years are encour­aged to use new col­or combinations. 

We wanted a logo that symbolized both textile and our new annual event. Since the moment the logo was presented to us, we were glad we had chosen to give die wegmeister gmbh quite a bit of creative freedom from the get-go. We happily approved and the following communication with them was fruitful and the process exciting as the logo extended to brand the entire event. More than pleased that the logo surpassed our expectations, we were excited to see its various iterations in its first year and look forward to seeing the colors evolve through following events. — Simone Diebold, Business Administration of Südwesttextil and PR of Gesamtmasche

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