Basic Identity Applications





Creative Director

David Azurdia
Ben Christie
Jamie Ellul


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Magpie Studio
Jackson Gilmour

Jackson Gilmour by Magpie StudioJackson Gilmour by Magpie StudioJackson Gilmour by Magpie StudioJackson Gilmour by Magpie StudioJackson Gilmour by Magpie StudioJackson Gilmour by Magpie Studio


A cater­ing com­pa­ny that has been deliv­er­ing excep­tion­al food with out­stand­ing ser­vice to its clients at top venues all over Lon­don, UK, for over a decade.


Jack­son Gilmour is a fam­i­ly run, chef-led and award-win­ning cater­ing com­pa­ny. With a pres­ti­gious client list that includes Her Roy­al High­ness the Queen and a staff of chefs with more than a few Miche­lin stars between them, they need­ed a rebrand that expressed their offer as one of the best in the business.


Focus­ing on their unique offer as a chef-led cater­ing firm, we devised a brand lan­guage rem­i­nis­cent of cook­ery and recipes. Add a dol­lop of typog­ra­phy inspired by cop­per pot hall­marks, a twist of the dia­gram­mat­ic lan­guage of fam­i­ly trees, a table­spoon of very expen­sive print tech­niques, heat at a high tem­per­a­ture, and you end up with a chef-led, engag­ing, and high-end rebrand.

The Magpie Studio team took a thorough brief and allowed plenty of time to understand the nature of our organization and the industry we work in. They were tenacious in their creativity and remained committed to an original approach even when their first attempts didn’t quite hit the mark with some of us. We are absolutely delighted with the final result. The use of the copper metallic finish combined with a quirky, contemporary typeface has given us genuine “stand-out” in the event catering industry. The link with vintage kitchenware and our Celtic roots was inspired. The identity works brilliantly across all mediums and we have had a hugely positive response from both clients and competitors. Changing a company identity is a challenging and time-consuming process, but the Magpie team remained committed and upbeat throughout. We are now extremely proud to hand over our business cards! — Anne Aitken, Marketing Director of Jackson Gilmour

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