Guideline Documents





Creative Director

Matt Cridland

Design Director

Michail Kowal


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Bisqit by BisqitBisqit by BisqitBisqit by BisqitBisqit by BisqitBisqit by BisqitBisqit by BisqitBisqit by BisqitBisqit by BisqitBisqit by BisqitBisqit by BisqitBisqit by Bisqit


A brand­ing agency based in Lon­don, UK, that cre­ates brands and brings them to life through mem­o­rable expe­ri­ences with a mix of strate­gists, design­ers, and busi­ness experts, and sup­port­ed by the deep indus­try knowl­edge of their par­ent com­pa­ny Hill+Knowlton Strategies—one of the world’s largest com­mu­ni­ca­tions agencies.


The guide­lines are designed for use by our own employ­ees and exter­nal par­ties who col­lab­o­rate with us. In 2012 our team dou­bled in size, the growth in head count began to make this vital. Although we had our own iden­ti­ty, we had nev­er prac­ticed what we preached to clients, i.e. for­mal­ly doc­u­ment­ing stan­dards in a guide­lines document. 


We were keen to pro­duce a print­ed doc­u­ment as well as a PDF. This demon­strat­ed that we were plac­ing great impor­tance on the con­tent. Our design-savvy audi­ence meant copy could be straight-to-the-point and demon­strate our play­ful tone of voice (although the delib­er­ate­ly incor­rect cov­er was con­tin­u­al­ly cor­rect­ed by our proof-reader!). 

In our industry, we all know that obsessive attention to detail is as important as big picture creativity and that everything counts when it comes to brand image. This little book has successfully conveyed a serious message to the team without being too heavy-handed and projects our personality by remaining true to our sense of fun. — Karen Porter, Managing Director of Bisqit

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