Highlighting the work and the people of in-house design, communication, and brand teams from companies around the world.


Introducing In-House In-Focus!

November 29, 2021

We are very excited to finally launch In-house In-focus as it’s the first new initiative from the whole team — all two of us — at UnderConsideration in three years. (The last one being First Round.) We came up with it in June of this year during a long drive to upper Michigan for our first family trip in 16 months since the pandemic had begun. The idea started with a simple question, “What segment of our industry is currently underserved?” — okay, it’s not a simple question, come to think of it. The answer was that there was no place to see the great work being done by in-house teams or learn about how they work. By the time we drove back home, 7 days later, we had a name, a plan, and an overall idea of the content that should be included. It took more time than we would have liked to get it done but, like the supply chain, things have moved slower at UCllc headquarters as well this year.

We are eternally grateful to the four teams — Chobani, Nutshell, Rippling, and Mailchimp — that signed up early to contribute and helped us stress-test the idea and to help format as many variables as possible as they supplied the materials and content we came up with. We are launching with the first three teams mentioned and Mailchimp will be published in about 7 to 10 days. As noted in the About section, the publishing schedule will be slow at first but we expect and hope that as news spreads of this website, we will be able to grow a long queue of teams ready to be published once or twice a week. Each feature is a tough endeavor for everyone involved so we appreciate your patience as we build up the content.

We also want to thank Frere-Jones Type for providing the amazing typography you see in use: Magnet, designed by Inga Plönnigs and Exchange, designed by Tobias Frere-Jones.

On social media we will be focusing on both Instagram and, of all places, LinkedIn as there is a more business-minded and healthy dynamic than on Facebook or Twitter. So give us a follow there as we develop ways of bubbling up a lot of the details from each team feature. We also have plans for a newsletter but it hasn’t been developed yet… once we have more content we will figure out what’s the best complement to send to people’s inboxes. In the meantime you can sign up for something at some point.

Lastly, if you work in-house or do work for an in-house team that would be a great addition to In-house In-focus please submit!

Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit
Co-founders, UnderConsideration
Editors, In-house In-focus
