

Best of Category + Judge's Pick



1,000 limited ed.

Page Count


Paper Stock

Cover: Suzano Pólen Bold, 90gr/m2
Textblock: Suzano Pólen Bold, 90g/m2
Back cover: White Cardboard, SL no. 18, 1162g/m2
Endpapers: Color Plus, Black, 240g/m2

Number of Colors

Textblock CMYK
Wooden plate, adhesive tape, and back cover Various PMS


9 × 10.6 × .3


Exposed coptic binding

Special Techniques

Paper Offset
Wood Silkscreen
Adhesive tape


Creative Director and Designer

Gustavo Piqueira

Assistant Designers

Samia Jacintho, Danilo Helvadjian, Marianne Meni, Caroline Vapsys



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Casa Rex
Shelby Designs & Illustrates

Book by Casa Rex for Ateliê EditorialBook by Casa Rex for Ateliê EditorialBook by Casa Rex for Ateliê EditorialBook by Casa Rex for Ateliê EditorialBook by Casa Rex for Ateliê EditorialBook by Casa Rex for Ateliê Editorial


Ateliê Edi­to­r­i­al, based in in São Paulo, Brazil, is a pub­lish­ing house which pub­lish­es books for a wide range of audi­ences, from kids to adults.


Devel­op­ment of the book Clichés Brasileiros—a visu­al nar­ra­tive of Brazil’s his­to­ry com­posed exclu­sive­ly of old Brazil­ian let­ter­press clichés.


Clichés Brasileiros was com­posed using sole­ly images from an old cat­a­log of Brazil­ian let­ter­press clichés. But the rea­son for its title is not only due to the clichés used for the com­po­si­tion of its illus­tra­tions, at each page’s turn, we run into oth­er types of Brazil­ian clichés. His­tor­i­cal ones, like the arrival of the Por­tuguese, the cat­e­chiz­ing of native Indi­ans, cof­fee and gold eco­nom­ic cycles…it even includes con­tem­po­rary Brazil­ian clichés, full of traf­fic jams, debts, closed con­do­mini­ums, and alienation—portraying Brazil’s his­to­ry up to today in an irrev­er­ent con­tem­po­rary visu­al narrative.


The production’s most challenging aspect was the making of the covers. Made of a delicate sheet of woodland silkscreened, all 1,000 copies were manually attached by our team of designers with custom adhesive tape.

Judge’s Com­ments
I would have been pleased enough if the author’s ambi­tion sim­ply was to design and print an off­set book from let­ter­press met­al cuts and wood­blocks con­sis­tent­ly found in Brazil­ian let­ter­press shops, and this alone would have prompt­ed me to give it my “Judges’ pick”. But when I wan­dered through the book on the flight back to Nashville I real­ized there was a sto­ry involved, void of words, told com­plete­ly through, (obvi­ous­ly) images made of met­al and wood, and the sto­ry told was of the intro­duc­tion of the Euro­pean to South Amer­i­ca, and the forced assim­i­la­tion of the native Brazil­ian into Euro­pean cul­ture. And I was hap­py to for­give and over­look the author’s inac­cu­rate note that let­ter­press “today is a sys­tem only found in muse­ums.” — Jim Sher­radenThe Clichés Brasileiros is a mas­ter­ful wink of the eye, with corny col­lages per­fect­ly pro­duced with silkscreen(?) giv­ing trop­i­cal inten­si­ty to this lit­tle book whose cov­er per­fect­ly cap­tures the cus­toms and cos­tumes of this impor­tant nation of achiev­ers. — Stephen DoyleI enjoyed this book for its incred­i­ble tac­til­i­ty through rich lay­ered imagery com­bined with a mix­ture of off­set and silkscreen print­ing — cre­at­ing that amaz­ing “print­ed” aro­ma. — John Ear­lesThis is graph­ic design is at it’s best: when pic­tures are worth a thou­sand words — and gor­geous col­ors, com­bined with sim­ple images tell the sto­ry of Brazil in a way that is any­thing but cliché. — Marc English

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