Comprehensive Identity Programs






Stuart Jane
Jason Lowings
Rob Sherwood


David Milson


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Penguin Books

Penguin Books by VenturethreePenguin Books by VenturethreePenguin Books by VenturethreePenguin Books by VenturethreePenguin Books by VenturethreePenguin Books by VenturethreePenguin Books by VenturethreePenguin Books by VenturethreePenguin Books by VenturethreePenguin Books by VenturethreePenguin Books by VenturethreePenguin Books by VenturethreePenguin Books by Venturethree


A pub­lish­er of books, ebooks, and much more—throughout the whole world and for peo­ple of any age.


Found­ed in 1935, Pen­guin invit­ed us to become part of their world-famous sto­ry by help­ing them ampli­fy their icon­ic brand in a rapid­ly chang­ing dig­i­tal age. As a com­pa­ny, Pen­guin is con­tin­u­al­ly dream­ing up inno­v­a­tive new ideas and launch­ing them in new spaces, so they need­ed a visu­al iden­ti­ty that could be more than just a logo (how­ev­er bril­liant that logo may be). It need­ed to be flex­i­ble and dis­tinc­tive to stand out against new com­peti­tors, whilst respect­ing the char­ac­ter and spir­it that make Pen­guin one of the world’s best loved brands. As they put it: It’s time to free the bird.


Through every­thing we were guid­ed by two over­rid­ing prin­ci­ples: First­ly, to bal­ance bold new expres­sions of the brand with a respect for its his­to­ry; and sec­ond­ly, to make sure that every new ele­ment added up to one clear, con­sis­tent voice.

Penguin is transforming into a new kind of publisher. The objective of the design brief was to amplify the Penguin brand directly to consumers. venturethree’s approach to the brief shows a respect and sensitivity towards Penguin’s incredible design heritage, while highlighting how the brand can be evolved within a digital age. venturethree are highly complementary partners for Penguin—both businesses are democratic, collaborative, and highly creative. The result of venturethree’s approach is creative work that genuinely enhances the Penguin brand; allowing consumers to discover Penguin in new and intriguing ways. — Graham Sim, Creative Director of Penguin Children’s

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