Comprehensive Identity Programs





Masi art

Makereta Matemosi and family

Creative Director

Sally Anderson

Primary Client Contacts

Dave Pflieger
David Green

Type designer

Kris Sowersby


Mark Chew

Sound Designers


3D Renderers



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FutureBrand Australia
Air Pacific

Air Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand AustraliaAir Pacific by Futurebrand Australia


The nation­al air­line of the Fiji Islands, in the heart of the South Pacif­ic, will return to their orig­i­nal name of Fiji Air­ways in June 2013. The air­line has con­nect­ed the South Pacif­ic for over 60 years, while ser­vic­ing 15 cities in 10 coun­tries. Their audi­ence is both local Fijians trav­el­ing over­seas, and a diverse range of glob­al trav­el­ers seek­ing relax­ation, hol­i­days of a life­time, and some of the best scu­ba-div­ing in the world.


Return a once region­al air­line back to the peo­ple of Fiji. We were tasked with cre­at­ing a sym­bol that would stand out at some of the world’s busiest inter­na­tion­al air­ports, a sym­bol that would allow us to become the very best fly­ing ambas­sador that Fiji could ever have.


Air Pacif­ic brought us to Fiji where we saw first-hand the preva­lence, beau­ty, and respect that Fiji has for tra­di­tion and its tra­di­tion­al Masi art—an ancient art that embod­ies the spir­it and sto­ries of Fijian cul­ture. From there we part­nered with Air Pacif­ic and local­ly renowned Fijian Masi Artist Mak­ere­ta Mate­mosi to cre­ate the new iden­ti­ty. The name change and new liv­ery design has been incred­i­bly well received local­ly in sym­bol­iz­ing a return of the air­line to the coun­try, so that wher­ev­er the plane trav­els, it is a fly­ing bill­board for Fiji.

It was clear, beyond representing Fiji on the global stage, that our return to Fiji Airways needed to deliver long-term benefits for the destination, the airline, and the region—delivering a truly authentic identity, one that showed the depth of culture and natural diversity that Fiji and its 333 islands offers. Working with Makereta and FutureBrand ensured we were able to retain the integrity, beauty, and meaning of one of Fiji’s richest art forms and apply this successfully in a visual identity. Beyond lifting our profile, our identity system also serves to protect and nourish the art form for future generations. — David Green, Senior Marketing Manager OF Air Pacific

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