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Moving Brands

Blackjet by Moving BrandsBlackjet by Moving BrandsBlackjet by Moving BrandsBlackjet by Moving BrandsBlackjet by Moving Brands


Co-found­ed by Uber founder Gar­rett Camp and with high-pro­file investors includ­ing Ash­ton Kutch­er, Will Smith, and Jay‑Z, Black­Jet launched in 2013. The ser­vice allows a wider mar­ket of lux­u­ry trav­el­ers to book indi­vid­ual seats on pri­vate planes instant­ly, at the touch of an iPhone. 


Mov­ing Brands part­nered with Black­Jet to cre­ate a brand iden­ti­ty and app that would for­ev­er change long-entrenched per­cep­tions of pri­vate jet trav­el. We focused on devel­op­ing a user expe­ri­ence that con­tra­dicts every­thing you expect from the frus­trat­ing, time-con­sum­ing chaos of com­mer­cial travel—a fric­tion­less, ultra sim­ple user inter­face that would feel intu­itive in its nav­i­ga­tion and com­fort­able in its use. It need­ed to be inher­ent­ly sleek and lux­u­ri­ous to attract its core mar­ket, but also need­ed to enable secure high val­ue trans­ac­tions on a mobile device, and con­vey trust and reliability. 


Our Assess and Define phas­es revealed that what high-val­ue con­sumers tru­ly want is hur­dle-free, instant grat­i­fi­ca­tion. Sim­ply put they want what they want when they want it. The iden­ti­ty we devel­oped for Black­Jet is bold, con­fi­dent, and ele­gant. The “B” is abstract­ed, draw­ing direct­ly from the design direc­tion’s con­cept of the fast, fric­tion­less jour­ney. It takes the shape of wings, both in the pos­i­tive space cre­at­ed by the curves of the “B” and the neg­a­tive space, that reveals the sleek nose and wings of a jet. A moody, sexy, mono­chro­mat­ic col­or palette and con­trast­ing, geo­met­ric font fur­ther advance the per­son­al­i­ty of the brand and dif­fer­en­ti­ate its iden­ti­ty from its competitors

BlackJet is all about building an aspirational brand. Moving Brands got that immediately and delivered pitch perfect strategy for building Blackjet into a global brand. This is why Moving Brands has been a perfect partner. — Shervin Pishevar, Managing Director of Menlo Ventures

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