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ADV @ UnderConsideration

BY Armin

The Windy City Blazes in 2016


It seems only yesterday when NYC2012 (and a West Side stadium in New York) seemed like imminent realities before London was awarded hosting duties for the 2012 Olympic Games. Now, Chicago, Ill., led by design-friendly Mayor Daly, unveils its Olympic bid designed by VSA Partners. In sum, as press-released: “The Chicago 2016 logo is styled in the shape of a torch and consists of three distinct visual components. The flame, in the shape of Chicago’s skyline, reflects the international significance of Chicago architecture and speaks to the vitality of a city that rose from the ashes. The body of the torch merges a color palette that represents the blue of Lake Michigan with the vibrant green of the city’s park system—further underscoring Chicago’s commitment to the environment and sustainability.”

Entry Information

DATE: Oct.28.2006|POSTED BY: Armin|CATEGORY: Finance | COMMENTS:




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