These are the entries received for the November 2006 contest to design New York magazine’s “High Priority” feature for their year-end double issue. |
Justin Kropp |
Justin Staple |
Kaitlin Foos |
Kari Fournier |
Karine Feron |
Karine Lelogeais |
Karl Engebretson |
Kate Spade |
Katie Estes |
Keith_McCord |
Kevin Dorsey |
Kevin Stubbs |
Klara Jarolimova |
Kris Sowersby |
Kristine Moran |
Lana Le |
Laura Stokes |
Leah Salzyn |
Leila Taylor |
Lemiere Julien |
Leo Jung |
Leslie Fitch |
Lisa Maione |
Mako Miyasato |
Mandy Brown |
Margaret Gay |
Maria Gililova |
Maria Roszkowska |
Marie-Paule McGrane |
Mark Andresen |
Disclaimer: Speak Up is not responsible for the views expressed by each individual entry and its author. Nor does it represent Speak Up’s own opinions. We have zero censorship (unless deemed completely unpublishable material). If you have a problem with somebody’s entry we ask you to contact the author. |