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More Paperwork

More Paperwork is Nancy Williams’ sequel to the 1995 title Paperwork, and she touches on the history, value, and advancements seen in designing with paper over the past ten years.
Whether we’re using toilet tissue, stationery, wrapping paper, or letterhead a wide range of senses are involved when we interact with paper. After Williams’ introduction, she bathes us in examples from the ordinary to extraordinary through chapters titles surface qualities and effects, cutting and folding, binding, interactive, and mixed media—but that’s just the two dimensional section. In three dimensional, we witness paper being pushed to the envelope in architecture, exhibition and sculpture, fashion and accessories, packaging, and product. Each chapter opens with its title adjacent to an interactive paper square, that invited you to build, cut, fold, crumple, or weave something.

Overall, Williams’ delivers an international range of examples that are ambitious in scope and detail. For the graphic designer, you’ll recognize names like Sagmeister or Pentagram, but even more intriguing than the usual suspects are pieces of furniture and fashion that use paper in structural and decorative ways. Every page turn yields a surprise, but the biggest thing I wondered at the book’s conclusion was, “Why haven’t I been doing more with paper?”

Book Information
More Paperwork
Nancy Williams
Hardcover: 176 pages
10.2 x 9.8 x 0.9 inches
Publisher: Phaidon
ISBN: 0714843644

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