Word It has been a fixture of Speak Up since April of 2003, a visual respite from the generous amount of text that typically adorns this web site. Since then, more than 1,250 people have generated more than 4,400 Word Its, and it remains one of Speak Up’s most popular and active features. But it has always been more of a sideshow than a main attraction, and as we were going through the full archives it was evident that Word It needed to be a main attraction. So we have moved all the archives into a new, independent blog. Introducing: Word It.
We have painstakingly tagged all Word Its to provide a new way of experiencing the oldies (and not so oldies) but goodies. Like the image above, which shows most of the Word Its tagged with “Isotype.” The options are endless, well, for now, they end at around 2,500 tags like “Cooper Black” and “Comic Sans”, “George W. Bush” and “Dick Cheney”, “Red” and “Blue” or “Exclamation Point” and “Question Mark”. And as new Word Its come in will be dutifully tagging away.
At this point it’s worth giving a much deserved shout to Steven, who more than two years ago, when we launched Quipsologies, called it. He even got the URL right! So, anyway, we hope that all you Word It creators follow us on over to the new abode and keep the little squares coming.
Great idea!
Props for tagging, that adds another level to the experience, though I'm slightly unsettled over the format change. Some of the charm was seeing an array of Word-It squares in a grid - some people even took advantage of this fact and stretched their concept across several squares. Maybe have an option for viewing in "old-school grid view"
Also, not to be too critical, but, the type on either side seem a little distracting for it's size compared to the image - particularly the ones that are mostly type based. I could see it being half the size.
On Mar.16.2009 at 10:12 AM