Few moments and situations in life can have something in common. Least of all a specific element that is clearly understood by every culture in the world — no matter the habitat, the population, their age, their education…
To name a few: a morning shower, the minutes prior to an interview, a hot summer day, running a marathon or changing a diaper. They can all have something in common, or nothing at all. Have you figured it out? Or are you sweating the answer? If the latest, then you are on to something for all of the above (and many more) can have you feeling wet. That’s right. In one form or another, by chance or by design, just a bit or a lot, many situations in life have water in common. A natural element that has naturally found its way into your life and mine, his, hers and theirs with a quiet calm that we have all accepted as part of every day life.
Wet is the Word It for June.
With that said, please read the specifications for submittal, where we tell you what kind of file we need, the size requirements*, naming conventions and how to provide us with your desired linkage**.
Word-its will be updated on a weekly basis.
* 5x5”, 300 dpi, CMYK, jpg/tiff/ai
** Firstname_LastName.jpg, Your name and email or website
congrats again. Bryony/Armin
On May.27.2007 at 05:07 PM