It is a lonely 0:58 AM on Monday. Other than one of my cats — the other must be in a box somewhere, Bryony is sound asleep and there is no TV or iPod playing in the background — there is no one I can high five at this moment. And, boy, do I want to high five someone: Speak Up is back to life.
After a painful, but undoubtedly looming, database crash I was forced to recode Speak Up from the ground up and upgrade to MovableType 3.2 and while there are still a few bugs I can happily say that this is the smoothest version ever. Specially in the back-end. We have ditched the default Berkeley database for a sweet MySQL database. Speak Up is now built using only CSS with nary a table, row or cell in sight. And despite past off-shrugging of having good markup and being W3C and XHTML Transitional compliant, I am proud to say that Speak Up validates like nobody’s business — with some individual archives that may have previous bad character encoding being the exception. Since I was poking around, I made some design changes… Hey, I’m still a graphic designer over a programmer, I couldn’t just keep my hands off of the design. So things are a little more colorful overall. Other than that, things are all where they used to be (after a week of reassigning each and every entry its place in the Speak Up structure) and working fine.
The only problem that I was not able to resolve today, and this seems to be a problem with the MovableType code, is that the comments window is not remembering your information, so every time you leave a comment you will have to enter your name and e-mail again and again and again until I can figure a solution. Many apologies for the inconvenience. I am also trying to figure out the best way to deliver News and Events from around the industry. Stay tuned for that. And lastly, some old entries will be rebuilt in the next hours, so if you get an error on a specific page this is why.
This might be a good time to update your RSS feed with us if you use it:
If you see any bugs please let me know. Empty your caches, hard-refresh your browsers and enjoy.
High five!
Update: “Remember my Info” is now working. I had ommited a line of code which is now not ommited.
Let me be the first to say Welcome Back...
“Welcome Back”
On Apr.24.2006 at 02:58 AM