It is UnderConsideration’s pleasure to announce the launch of our latest online initiative: the design encyclopedia.
Inspired by the groundbreaking Wikipedia, as well as Typophile’s growing TypoWiki, the design encyclopedia strives to document, define, track and distill the world through its design implications. Pretty much anything — from movies to presidents to can openers to pop(corn) — can be, in one way or another, defined by design. Through the open environment that Wikis provide, we hope that you can help us build this important resource. We have started with some profession-specific entries — ranging from Emigre to Abbott Miller to AIGA — that should help springboard definitions that are outward reaching into the larger contexts of culture, politics, branding, economics, history, sports and more (i.e., Mountain Dew, Kleenex or USA Network).
At this moment we encourage your participation to help us build this important resource. If you are a graphic designer, own a design firm or by the luck of the stars you are involved in any related field (photography, illustration, art and architecture or industrial, motion, web or textile design) we urge you to add your information to the encyclopedia and at the same time add any information you have on projects that you have worked on. The best explanation we can quickly provide is: There will be entries for Saul Bass and Paul Rand, but there needs to be entries for AT&T, United Way, UPS, Enron, and these should be defined by the work of these legendary designers and how it has evolved over time — yes, there will be an entry for Futurebrand.
The design encyclopedia has been an idea brewing in our crazy heads for the past six months and it has only been in this past month, with the help of Pretty’s developer-extraordinaire Su, that we have been able to put together a Beta version. This means it’s working but we reserve the right to change anything we want at any point while acknowledging that the site is not perfect — but our eagerness got the best of us as we wanted this live by the start of AIGA’s National Conference in Boston so that we could whisper it around. Thanks to Jason’s mention after our panel, it has already been blogged quite a bit, going, literally and metaphorically, from 0 to a 100 quite fast.
As this grows we will look for your support with contributions as well as the overall well being of this (vulnerable yet potentially fruiful) wiki.
Let’s show the world what design does for us.
Great....! Thanks. Join the revolution. :D
On Sep.22.2005 at 09:26 AM