Maybe triggered because I will be in Chicago for the How Conference, or by several of the comments in Defying Gravity: When your Company Exists in the Ether Above your Head, a question has risen in my mind. Once you leave a studio/firm/agency (call it whatever you want) do you stay in touch?
Do you leave with a box under your arm without ever turning back, even to say hi?
Or does the relationship linger for a few more months until slowly it dissipates.
Only to be momentarily rekindled when you spot each other across the hotel lobby of a conference?
Or you consider and actually act on possible professional cooperation?
A nice post to return from lunch to (lunch with the team from the studio I left 6 months ago.)
Professional collaboration is still on my mind as a possibility, but even if that never happens, we're convening at the National Design Conf. and will certainly continue to meet over plates of hot food and in clubs at concerts.
The crux, I suppose, between keeping or forgetting past working relationships is genuine friendship. I'm happy to call my former cohorts friends and hope others enjoy the same niceties.
On Jun.03.2005 at 01:55 PM