I don’t know if it was the cultural cred of the Memphis group or the thought that if Eddie Murphy could get a song on the charts all the borders were gone but suddenly cool graphic designers were designing furniture. I asked April Greiman where her furniture fit—was it a sideline, a second career, or was it part of her graphic design practice? She assured me that it was all the same. “My job is to make the world more beautiful” she declared. I remember thinking that I could talk for an hour about what I did without using the phrase “make the world more beautiful.”
So what do you do? Don’t say that you’re a graphic designer or an art director. Don’t use the words “design” or “designer” (or “graphic” or “art,” for that matter.) I suppose a list of tasks would do if your job is a list of tasks but I’m thinking about the essence, the purpose… What do you do?
I sell.
My designs & process, my bosses' ideas, their clients' product; I sell. Visually, verbally, however the situation demands. I wish it were more glamourous. I wish someone in college had told me. I'm glad it's not used cars.
Less lofty than "beautifying communication," but more accurate, I think.
On Nov.02.2004 at 10:36 AM