Going to a bar or a coffee shop these days, it seems like the city is overrun by art directors, designers and other creative professionals. It used to be that when you stated to be a graphic designer, it was perceived as exotic and even special and people looked at you with the “ah, that explains it” type of look. Now everyone seems to be in the creative field. And I don’ t think I frequent spots that are considered designer-hang-outs. However, I live and work in Los Angeles and what happens here might not be the norm for the rest of the country, but I noticed the same in Switzerland, where I grew up and went through art school. Maybe not to the extent as here in southern California, but still, the shift is significant.
What happened?
Are PCs to blame for all of it? I tend to think not. There must be something else, but it’s not that our profession usually makes the big bucks, after all, we’re not attorneys. So if it’s not the potential income that sends them all into our field, then it must be something else. What is it?
Where to draw the line?
There are great designers or art directors in our field and what they create is truly amazing. But, in my opinion, there is a wealth of so-called art directors, graphic designers etc. that don’t deserve the titles they give themselves. As we probably all agree, mastering Adobe software for example does not make one an art director, but fact is, that’s what so many claim they are, and that’s how they are perceived by others. Art directors to me are the prime example of an abused title. It has turned into the definition of someone that knows very little, but not enough to pull anything off right. Should there be a line between who’s got it — or not?
So, are there too many of us? What’s your take?
Several years ago, Gene Gable put the controversial idea out there of certification for design professionals. Obviously the idea never took off, but is it that bad of an idea? With the amount of tech schools out there now pumping "designers" into the marketplace in as little as eighteen months, certification might be a good way to separate the wheat from the tares. The last time I checked, for every design job that was open, there were over one hundred applicants. With certification, would this number drop? Would studios be assured that they were getting the best qualified applicant?
On Feb.18.2004 at 12:27 PM