We are pleased to announce the December Word It theme: Virtue
Many races, creeds and colors share this time of year to celebrate family, the passing of another year and a number of holidays. This is not only cause for celebration but a time of introspection and reflection — a time to take pause about what it is that you could be doing better.
Virtues are the attitudes and dispositions that enable us to be and respond in ways that develop our potential. They are that which enable us to pursue our ideals.
For Aristotle, the moral life is not solely a matter of applying moral rules to specific situations. The moral life is a matter of determining what kind of people we should be and attending to the growth of character within ourselves and our communities.
The Christians illustrated this as:
cardinal virtues: prudence, temperance, courage, justice.
theological virtues: love, hope, faith.
contrary virtues: humility, kindness, abstinence, chastity, patience, liberality, diligence
Despite the crush of shopping, the pressure to please, and those unfortunate eggnog laced office parties, there persists a desire to take care of one another and reflect on what in our behavior we hold forth as aspirant for the year to come.
We can’t remind you of your anniversary or a loved one’s birthday but we can help you get your resolutions in on time this year.
For December : Virtue.
Armin will update new Word-its on a weekly basis, at the beginning of the week.
With that said, please read the specifications for submittal and go create based on: