…two quarters…great! I have some candy money. Needed some sugar this afternoon. I walk on down to the vending machine.
Hmm…no Snickers. Damn. Now what? Twix? I always get Twix. Milky Way? No. Not today. Hey! A Hershey’s bar. Haven’t had one of those in years! Let’s try that.
Money in…spring thingy spins…candy falls…trap door opens…I now have candy! Back to the cubicle…
But wait! This isn’t the Hershey’s bar I rememeber. What’s this? 3-D metalic type? Ok. That’s interesting…but (gasp! shock! horror!) where’s my foil wrapper!? Crap. No more shiny foil wrapper snuggly wrapped in an elegant paper sleeve. *sigh* Now it’s just the same-old plastic wrapper that the rest of the candy gang is wearing. S’mores will never be the same…
(Rumour has it that our own Debbie Millman had something to do with this. ;o)
I'm sure it's less expensive to produce. I'm sure it tested well in focus groups. I'm sure it protects the candy bar better. I'm even pretty sure it results in less waste and harm to the environment.
But I just want my old Hershey bar wrapper back.
On Oct.27.2003 at 03:18 PM