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Speak Up Reviewed by Rick Poynor

Rick Poynor (yes, that Rick Poynor) reviews Speak Up (yes, this Speak Up) in his web-only critique column at Eye Magazine. He talks abou… ah! Just go read it.

Maintained through our ADV @ UnderConsideration Program
ARCHIVE ID 1556 FILED UNDER Speak Up Announcements
PUBLISHED ON Aug.14.2003 BY Armin
Tan’s comment is:

WOW! What a great review of the site. Congrats yet again Armin.

All true, and spot on. But there's nothing about the swearing.


On Aug.14.2003 at 12:18 PM
eric’s comment is:

who's the "tart"...Tan?

not that it matters much but is this really a blog or more of a chat room?

either way, congrats to everyone!!!

On Aug.14.2003 at 12:21 PM
brook’s comment is:

woo hoo!

"Something genuinely new is emerging here."

glad to be a part of it. congrats.

On Aug.14.2003 at 12:32 PM
Tan’s comment is:

Yes, I am El Tart that Poynor referred to. And I was trying to be clean and all by using 'freaking'....what a wuss.

And no, we are not a chat room, thank you. None of us date each other or still live in our parent's basement (I don't want to know if you do either) and the topics are design focused (even if the postings aren't sometimes). And I have to say that the writing is some of the best I've ever read anywhere.

Btw, that the hell was 2blowhards.com? What an incredible looking piece of turd that was. It was such an affront to my eyes that I didn't even dive into the content.

If I were you Armin, I'd be a little insulted that SU was anywhere close in referrence to that site.

On Aug.14.2003 at 12:36 PM
eric’s comment is:

Certainly with the brief overview he could have continued going on and on about the site. the contrast to 2blowhards is unfortunate but does serve as counterbalance to how bad the alternatives are.

i don't feel that this site really functions as a blog though as a majority of the content invites interacivity. the blogs i pass through use commentry as an afterthought. and there's no sense of community. this is more like a forum.

On Aug.14.2003 at 12:47 PM
Armin’s comment is:

Wasn't that cool?

Yeah, I don't know what was the deal with 2blowhards.com... I think he was simply referring to it as a blog he likes?

>Yes, I am El Tart that Poynor referred to. And I was trying to be clean and all by using 'freaking'....what a wuss.

What a tart and a wuss.

>If I were you Armin, I'd be a little insulted that SU was anywhere close in referrence to that site.

Nah! I just skip that first paragraph.

I'm not sure what we are: blog / chat room / forum. Like Rick said ""Something genuinely new is emerging here." We are an �berblog.

On Aug.14.2003 at 12:58 PM
Darrel’s comment is:

I've never seen anoyone critique a blog.

But cool nonetheless.

On Aug.14.2003 at 01:10 PM
marian’s comment is:

Hey �ber-congrats! I still think this is a blog ... a multi-author blog that I am sure does Moveable Type proud.

As for 2blowhards, I will reserve judgement until I've read some of it (later, much later). After all izzlepfaff is nothing to look at and still one of my almost-daily reads. We can't all be erudite, web savvy and design geniuses as well.

On Aug.14.2003 at 01:34 PM
Tom’s comment is:


I thought this was a reality show!?!?

Survivors of the Brand Idols

On Aug.14.2003 at 01:53 PM
Kiran Max Weber’s comment is:

"One of the impressive things about Vit’s project is that the standard of entries is so high."

"print publications concerned to uphold their authority rarely allow in their pages."

"Something genuinely new is emerging here."

Very cool Armin, good review. Huge that Poynor covered it. Lot's of work from all authors and posters, it's a joy to be a part of. Like we've discussed, it's needed.

Like oh my god, chat rooms are like sooo AOL 2.0. I like "�berblog."

Btw, that the hell was 2blowhards.com?

Right! Damn that shit is ugly, I didn't get a line in either. Bleech. And the name? Hmmm...

On Aug.14.2003 at 01:57 PM
KM’s comment is:

Very, very nice. Congrats to the "masculine" Mr. Vit!

...Bleech. And the name? Hmmm...

Curious, yes indeed...

On Aug.14.2003 at 02:06 PM
Armin’s comment is:

>Congrats to the "masculine" Mr. Vit!

But I'm the Queen Bee!

>Lot's of work from all authors and posters,

EXACTLY!!!!! And I am so glad Rick mentioned you guys, even if it was only a few. By far, this was my favorite: "The most unlikely participant, Debbie Millman, is a power-suited blonde in dark-framed glasses, who declares her undying love of brands (her line of work)"

And of course calling of Tan "tartly." That's so totally awesome.

On Aug.14.2003 at 02:13 PM
SarahB.’s comment is:

I told you guys that 'SpeakUp' ROCKS!!! Glad I found it, and if there is an "in-group" - can I join? No, honestly, I haven't felt that way, just that some very strong minded opinionated people hang out here, not bad in any sense. Makes ya think before you speak (type)!

On Aug.14.2003 at 02:16 PM
power-suited blonde’s comment is:

"Something genuinely new is emerging here"

Armin: what did I say about genius?

You so totally rock.

We are a part of a movement. You know that, don't you?

On Aug.14.2003 at 02:46 PM
Kiran Max Weber’s comment is:

We are a part of a movement.

We're the new Emigre. Wink wink.

On Aug.14.2003 at 02:51 PM
Legalistically thorough dude’s comment is:

Excellent! Congratulations to Armin and all around!

I'm undecided whether my favorite part was "...some stylishly discreet ornamental flourishes completely in tune with the new decorative mood in design." or the part where Graham gushes.

:: fingersnaps ::

On Aug.14.2003 at 03:04 PM
A Friend or Associate’s comment is:

has arrived out of nowhere. Just over a year ago, unless you were a friend or associate of its founder Armin Vit, there is no reason you would have heard of him.

All this is absolutely amazing, but I am not surprised. I've never known anyone personally who cares about graphic design more than my chocolate loving friend, Armin Vit.

On Aug.14.2003 at 03:19 PM
Su’s comment is:

Darrel: The Weblog Review. Navel-gazing, made recursive. Ugh.

For those bitching about 2Blowhards and the(mistakenly) perceived comparison with Speak Up: Please note that Poynor's column is about blogs, and not design blogs. He likes the place. That's all he said. It's content-based, and the design(note: they aren't designers, and I don't see any of you volunteering; It's the context, stupid.) is appropriate(if not overly attractive) if you take a moment to get over yourselves and your delicate sensibilities, and maybe try reading a bit of it before deeming it a worthless piece of shit(It's also the content, stupid.) This is all very reactionary, uncalled for, and childish. Yes, your design can beat up their design; now please do take your trackball and go home.

Who knows? Maybe it is crap. At least be able to back it up.

God, I need to go back into hiding...

On Aug.14.2003 at 03:37 PM
Hrant’s comment is:

Congrats Armin!

I'm generally a content guy, but to me one of the best things about SpeakUp is the way it looks - it's so today without being gimmicky. (I just said that to feel more manly. ;-)

BTW, Joe Clark once wrote an article in Print about bolgs.


On Aug.14.2003 at 03:56 PM
rebecca’s comment is:

Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.

On Aug.14.2003 at 04:07 PM
Tracy’s comment is:


On Aug.14.2003 at 04:15 PM
Tan’s comment is:

> if you take a moment to get over yourselves and your delicate sensibilities, and maybe try reading a bit of it before deeming it a worthless piece of shit

Ok, ok....I said it was an incredible looking piece of turd. After all, we're a design site -- can't expect me (and the other 'stupid' design a-holes) not to be design-superficial. If SU was a writing blog, then we'd bitch more about the writing.

Anyway, I read through some of it -- the content is heady and reminds me of Utne Reader type conversations. So I take back the slam halfway -- ok? Feel better?

Can I have my trackball back?

On Aug.14.2003 at 04:26 PM
jesse’s comment is:

Excellent! Congrats everyone.

On Aug.14.2003 at 06:40 PM
Kevin Lo’s comment is:

Haven't been on for a while as I'm preparing for my take off to the Netherlands.

Rockin' review though and I just wanted to say that I will now be based outside North America. Does that make us more international????

Armin, is there any way to change my author info or should I just send you an email?

On Aug.14.2003 at 09:01 PM
pk’s comment is:

um...did anyone bother reading 2blowhards before they started shitting all over it? they content's incredibly smart.

On Aug.14.2003 at 09:50 PM
Tan’s comment is:

Patrick -- Su already bitched us out. I went there and read through some of it. You're right -- it's pretty smart stuff. Not worth shitting on for content, but damn if the design couldn't use some help. You've got to admit...

Ok, everyone, let's go crap on another intellectually -worthy, yet design-deprived site. Who's with me?

On Aug.15.2003 at 12:31 AM
Kiran Max Weber’s comment is:

did anyone bother reading 2blowhards before they started shitting all over it?

Like trying on non-designer clothes before critiquing.

Ok, everyone, let's go crap on another intellectually -worthy, yet design-deprived site. Who's with me?

Keeping my mouth (keyboard) shut.

On Aug.15.2003 at 10:11 AM
Andrew Shurtz’s comment is:


seeking a �more public platform’, orchestrating discussions, a kickass book club...

is Armin the Oprah of graphic design? ; )

On Aug.15.2003 at 10:21 AM
Armin’s comment is:

>is Armin the Oprah of graphic design?

That's why I'm in Chicago!

On Aug.15.2003 at 11:08 AM
Tan’s comment is:

Does that make me Dr.Phil? Oh please, please, can I be Dr.Phil?!

On Aug.15.2003 at 11:42 AM