How are you? Signs show that the economy is picking up. That’s great news. Or is it? If you think the creative marketplace has been in the pits for the past decade ( boom aside) you’re not alone.
A friend reports that Playboy is still paying the same rate for spot illustrations that she was making 12 years ago. I know freelancers that have moved from New York to Denver in order to supplement their careers with bartending. Sadly, a designer in San Francisco put it to me recently, “Everybody I know in the Bay Area that used to design is either pushing coffee or selling ice cream.”
Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported on a few dwindling careers including editorial photography, “Professionals from many walks of life find themselves in turmoil these days, buffeted by diminished pay, increased regulation, lessened prestige — or all three.” And, “Adjusted for inflation, magazines typically pay free-lance photographers roughly 35% less than 18 years ago.”
Loss of prestige and a pay cut? A little tough on the self-esteem.
“I used to identify myself pretty heavily through work,” says Mr. Richter from this morning’s �Downward Mobility’ article in the wsj, “Now I’m just Jimmy. I have a job, and I’m glad, and I’ll do the best I can at it, but that’s what it is: a job.”
What have you done to maintain your creative integrity? Or have you?
Have you had to change your style in order to attract newer clients or reestablish old ones?
How do you continue to feed your soul AND your family?
Your friend draws dirty pictures for Playboy and gets paid? Cool. ;o)
On Aug.13.2003 at 11:05 AM