I’m not sure if there is a point to this post, but it’s Friday and I just got back from vacation so I might just get away with it. As most of you know I was in the Dominican Republic for the past eight days, I was there for a wedding which explains this strange, rarely seen, occurrence — me in a tuxedo.
Besides that freakness of nature (and society), we got a chance to visit Santo Domingo, the capital of the DR. First thing that caught me by surprise was how many printing shops and Graphic Design bureaus were tucked away in the Colonial Zone; my favorite by far was this one, which is equivalent to the much hated term Graphics Designs.
Obviously there were many fun signs to be found on the streets. King Donuts is simply the coolest — and it looks very similar to something I have seen before. In the same breath of royalty there is La Reina. This carved sign outside a museum shows some imagination but nothing compared to this beautiful street-name carving. You can also get a design education there, it seems oriented towards textile though. On this sign at the airport they apparently ran out of italic e’s (check out the e after the t). They also show some very pragmatic solutions like this one — notice the use of the third dot as part of the exclamation point.
And finally, always remember that God loves you.
"Graphic Design bureau". I like the sound of that.
Wonderful photos, Armin.
On Aug.01.2003 at 10:36 AM