So I was reading this article about Abercrombie & Fitch getting sued for racial discrimination. It wasn’t a big shocker.
But it got me thinking. How racially diverse is my own place of business? My own profession of design? The truth is — not very diverse at all.
Graphic design just happens to be a profession that’s very racially homogeneous. I guess I’ve been aware of this fact since design school, where I was only one of 6 or 7 non-caucasian students out of a department of 60 or so students.
Nowadays, when I attend design conferences, AIGA gatherings, or even ICOGRADA conferences(!), it’s rare to see African-American, Hispanic, or other minority designers. Asians seem to be the most prevalent minority, though I have no idea why.
Do you notice this racial homogeny in your design community? Where you work?
Why is graphic design so non-diverse? Does it matter what race or culture you come from as a designer? Or is graphic design an ethnic-neutral discipline?
Ok Sam, here’s a tough question — Is graphic design racially-biased?
> For this discussion, let’s stick with the diversity of design professionals in the US and Canada. If you were a designer in Mexico for example, of course the majority of professionals would be Hispanic.
How about Canada? All I can say was that I was the only Asian woman in my entire graduating design class -- and there were three majors (Digital Media, Illustration and Visual Presentation). And there was only one other Asian guy that I can think of, and one Black guy.
I don't think graphic design is biased by nature, but it's kind of like the wine industry -- it's dominated by caucasian/european people based on circumstances. I.e. Good land makes for good grapes makes for good wine; Catholic Church wants to publish lots of books, make it look fancy, lots of propaganda, etc. and they had MONEY to pay print guys to do something about it. Money = faster innovation.
It's because of graphic design history. The printing press, attention to type and layout was pioneered in Europe and bolstered by technology.
And perhaps the reason why Asians seem to be the a prevelant minority is because there is also a strong graphic design history involved (invention of paper, for example). As well, technology really pushes industries, and we all know how tech happy Asians tend to be. ; ) Just a theory.
Of course, with the current trends these days and more awareness and information, more and more minority cultures are going to be in graphic design. Already, the younger crowd looks more diverse than we are.
On Jul.03.2003 at 12:56 AM