Just what the web needs: another cool-looking e-zine. The only difference is that this is a good one for a change. Idanda is the name. And creativity is the game. Organized by Janou Pakter and nonst�ck this independent magazine brings together creative folk from around the globe and varied disciplines. The layout is really simple and airy, the main stories are a bit hard to read in the small space allocated, but you can print them out.
In their second issue already, the magazine has covered work from Honest and currently boasts a conversation between Michael Bierut and Todd St John. They also review brands, so far Sony Music and Diesel have been covered. Another feature is that you can “Talk” but up �till now the conversations don’t go further than four comments, sad because it looks like a nice place to chat.
It’s nice to see a new online creative venture that doesn’t fall for the usual trendy claptrap that other online communities call design. I don’t like the name though.
Granted I haven't looked at it yet, I'm sure it's great, but I'm always iffy about things like this being "sponsored." Isn't this the same as Nike using guerrilla marketing tatics like Anarchists to be "hip?"
On Jun.16.2003 at 05:10 PM