Now that most (good) primetime shows have ended we are stuck with reruns or lame attempts at reality TV. Ashamed to admit it, Monday night I was watching For Love or Money (NBC’s rip-off of The Bachelor) and one thing that caught my eye (besides hunky Rob) was that all the graphics and even the Million Dollar checks were set in Mrs. Eaves. That was the coolest part of the show.
Most designers and typographers have this “gift” of being able to point out what typeface is being used in TV commercials, opening titles, billboards, etc. To our significant others, this is more of a curse and an annoyance.
Some typefaces seem to be embedded into brands or have strong relationships to movie posters and even TV shows (who can tell what typeface is used for Seinfeld?.) Sometimes just seeing the type before the logo comes on in a TV ad is enough to pinpoint who’s paying for those 30 seconds of air time.
What typeface=brand/ad/package/thing pairings stand out in your mind? Or, when have you seen a typeface sadly out of place? Let that geeky tendency out into the open and share it with people who get you.
I think it was Crow: City of Angels that had a face designed just for it by David Carson, with a credit in the opening sequence. Who knew that you could movie star for designing a typeface? I must have been the only one in the theatre who noticed.
On Jun.04.2003 at 09:13 AM