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Book Club : Fair Warning

Please be advised: The Book Club will be meeting this coming Monday, June 2. Topics for discussion, questions for consideration, and page-tearing, book-across-the-room-throwing matters for concern will be posted in the Book Club section, then.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled blog. That is all.

Maintained through our ADV @ UnderConsideration Program
PUBLISHED ON May.28.2003 BY Sam
Su’s comment is:

There's something weird going on in the book club. In Mozilla, the entire page is one giant link to Amazon, and the "Go" buttons on the right side look funny, like the images are sitting inside text fields.

On May.28.2003 at 10:35 AM
armin’s comment is:

>the entire page is one giant link to Amazon

Yeah, they pay me big bucks to do that.

Are you looking at it in PC? in my Mac it looks fine. But I'll double check me code.

On May.28.2003 at 10:41 AM
Eric’s comment is:

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but when are we moving on to "Rant"?

The Book Club section doesn't list it as a forthcoming project or a possible timeline.


On May.29.2003 at 09:02 AM
armin’s comment is:

June 2nd Eric.

And yeah, it will take place on the Book Club section, we just haven't started.

On May.29.2003 at 09:18 AM
Eric’s comment is:


thanks. And none too soon. The Kenneth FitzGerald article left me champing at the bit.


On May.29.2003 at 09:25 AM
rebecca’s comment is:

I'm taking Rant with me on my weeklong beach vacation. When I return I expect to have it all explained for me. Thank you.

On May.29.2003 at 02:46 PM
armin’s comment is:

>I'm taking Rant with me on my weeklong beach vacation.

Oh no! no, no, no, no. The beach is no place to read Rant, too soothing. You need to read it amongst chaos, walking through the street while reading it and holding a cup of hot coffee.

And you will get sand in it.

On May.29.2003 at 02:51 PM
joy olivia’s comment is:

I know, I know... I have no right to post since (despite having read Rant) I didn't participate in the discussion of the last book. But what's the next read, kids?

It's about time, no?

On Jul.11.2003 at 08:19 AM
joy olivia’s comment is:

What about this?

The Art of Looking Sideways by Alan Fletcher

On Jul.11.2003 at 11:12 AM
joy olivia’s comment is:

If it's too expensive for some yet still looks interesting and worth considering, I would be willing to share my copy -- bookcrossing style.

On Jul.11.2003 at 11:14 AM
joy olivia’s comment is:

This also looks interesting...

On Jul.11.2003 at 11:16 AM
brook’s comment is:

i feel like we have such a backlog of amazing books we need to catch up on. there are so many good choices. it's also difficult to get something that MAKES people interested/angry/amazed/dicouraged/whatever enough to come and post.

I think Roland Barthes would be good. Maybe Camera Lucida or The Semiotic Challenge. Both are great vis culture-type books. Camera is quite cheap also.

On Jul.11.2003 at 09:36 PM