Our last AIGA discussion yielded little to no results. Sure, we vented some of our emotions and cleaned some dirty laundry in the way. But nothing of substance came out of it. Except some name-calling and lots of testosterone.
I made a “call to arms” comment that went uncommented. It didn’t really bother me. Then. Now I realize how easy, and comfortable, it is to bitch and moan (all of us) about the AIGA, but when the time comes to propose something: silence. How screwed up is that? I guess I’m in a bitchy mood today, and I attribute it to Emigre’s Rant (for which I will have one of my own soon, I just need to finish reading it first) even if I have only read a few pages.
Let’s forget for a moment that the AIGA is who they are, erase those four initials and see it as what it really is: the only association in the US for Graphic Designers that does something. Forget about the membership fees and the Board. Forget about Clement Mok for a second. Forget about all the events, all the conferences and all the publications. What then? Nothing. At least nothing to bitch about, right?
More silence?
I truly hope not.
Pardon my ignorance, but what about the Graphic Arts Guild? Any better/worse than AIGA? If AIGA is the only association that does something, where does that leave GAG?
On May.13.2003 at 09:56 AM