With any luck, we’ll soon have another widely available typeface family for us to spec in our CSS files. Bitstream has launched the Vera Family (Sample) (download at ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/ttf-bitstream-vera/1.10/).
While the obvious benefit to most web folks is that it’s another option for us to choose from, the biggest benefit will be seen for those using open source software as this face can be incorporated into the GUI. If anyone has attempted to run OpenOffice on OSX, you will know what that means. ;o)
damn. i was gonna post this, but darrel beat me to it. i wanted to wait until i'd tested it before blowing my mouth off.
vera is really nice; i'm considering swithching it out as my primary font for online reading—the squareness of the forms make it incredibly legible onscreen. my previous choice had been hoefler text, which is nice, but too contrasty at my screen resolution (1920 by 1440). vera's so far holding up nicely.
On Apr.18.2003 at 05:36 PM