When I was first starting to look for a job in the U.S. from the comfort of my own home in Mexico I came across a listing for a Jr. Graphic Designer. Great hours. Great pay. Great everything. The catch? Designing web sites for adult sites. XXX stuff. You’ve seen them (don’t kid yourself, you have,) they are actually very well designed. So they obviously need designers. It wasn’t going to be me though. One could say it’s a dream job for any man (and that would support pk’s las post) but what about the responsibilities involved? What about the 10 year old kid in the library accessing a really well designed porn site.?
Believe me, I’m no angel, but we all have our limits. Milton Glaser put together a nice list of projects that would lead any designer straight to hell. Where would you draw the line? If strapped for cash would you do anything? Ethics out the window.?
We know about the ethics (or lack thereof) in advertising. But how does this apply to graphic designers? An annual report for Philip Morr… I mean Altria, package design for alcohol, posters for corrupt politicians… you know, the good stuff.
Thanks to Corey, who is battling his own ethics, for the topic.
Especially recently, the need for a paycheck might override one's choics of job. Could you justify taking a job and working on the Altria account by saying that you didn't pursue the account, negotiate the contract, create the strategy--in other words, you the designer were just doing your job, just following orders?
What about taking a job at an excellent firm like Slaughter Hanson in Birmingham? They do the annual report for Boy Scouts of America (or have done it recently). BSA does not permit gay scout leaders (or women scout leaders, I believe, for that matter). Does that mean it would be wrong to work for Slaughter Hanson?
On Apr.11.2003 at 04:24 PM