First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Now that we have gotten that out of the way let’s start the new year with a bang: how many fonts do you currently have on your hard drive? A hundred? A hundred and fifty? Two hundred.?
How many did you actually pay for.?
I know, buying licenses for all your fonts is harder than any new year’s resolution, but still, I think we should discuss. Anybody who says they own each and every one of the fonts is a big fat liar. It’s a myth. I would first trust somebody that told me they saw Big Foot.
And what about printers? I thought they were supposed to buy a license for every font you used in a job. Instead we collect the job and send them the fonts for free.
So why don’t we pay for fonts? Too expensive? Too hard? Remember how angry we all get when a client tries to nickel and dime us. Shouldn’t we at least feel guilty?
What would a type designer say to someone who has 2-3 gigs of downloaded and/or "traded" fonts on his computer, organized by almost every major foundry in existence, if this someone wouldn't use said fonts in a commercial project without purchasing the proper license? What would a type designer say if this person wanted to use these same fonts in "personal" projects, ie. personal websites, not for profit or client?
On Jan.02.2003 at 11:19 AM