by armin
For her coveted annual Valentines mailing, Marian Bantjes repurposed around 480 vintage travel postcards that she printed on with her own design that reads “From me wherever I am / To you wherever you are.”
Chronicling the most curious, creative, and notable projects, stories, and events of the graphic design industry on a daily basis.
• Plamen
• Doug Bartow
• Josh Berta
• Niki Blaker
• James I Bowie
• Ricardo Cordoba
• Diane Zerr
• Quipsologies, is a division of UnderConsideration, chronicling the most curious, creative, and notable projects, stories, and events of the graphic design industry on a daily basis.
• Quipsologies uses TypeKit to render P22 Underground, Skolar Web by TypeTogether, and Coquette by Mark Simonson.
• Quipsologies is run with Six Apart’s MovableType 6.8.8
• All comments, ideas and thoughts on Quipsologies are property of their authors; reproduction without the author’s or Quipsologies’s permission is strictly prohibited
• Search through our archives (starting with Vol. 45 September 2010)
UnderConsideration is a graphic design enterprise that runs a network of blogs, publishes books, organizes live events, and designs for clients.
Brand New / Displaying opinions, and focusing solely, on corporate and brand identity work.
FPO (For Print Only) / Celebrating the reality that print is not dead by showcasing the most compelling printed projects.
Brand New Classroom / Providing a space for critique and opinions on student identity work.
Speak Up (2002 – 2009) / Discussing, and looking for, what is relevant in, and the relevance of, graphic design. Archives Only.
Word It (2003 – 2010) / Encouraging creative diversity in the community through monthly, one-word challenges. Archives Only.
Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work / 2010, self-published.
Graphic Design, Referenced: A Visual Guide to the Language, Applications, and History of Graphic Design / 2009, Rockport.
Women of Design: Influence and Inspiration from the Original Trailblazers to the New Groundbreakers / 2008, HOW Books.
The Word It Book: Speak Up Presents a Gallery of Interpreted Words / 2007, HOW Books.
live events
2010 Brand New Conference / A one-day event on the development of corporate and brand identity projects by some of today’s most active and influential practitioners from around the world.
graphic design
Department of Design / Designing corporate and brand identities and full development of printed and digital matter for clients.
Quip’d by a representative of UnderConsideration
Quip’d by a contributing Quipsologist
Submitted by our readers and Quip’d by UnderConsideration
For her coveted annual Valentines mailing, Marian Bantjes repurposed around 480 vintage travel postcards that she printed on with her own design that reads “From me wherever I am / To you wherever you are.”
“Him Her: A relationship in type” has pretty smooth type animation; the laughter track gets a little annoying after thirty seconds, but worth a watch.
Student project: The Dark Knight Rises opening titles. Seven-ish but not bad.
I would so get this if it were doable: the iPhone interface in Classic OS style. By Anton Repponen.
Designer Brett Andrew Miotti dissects the vinyl experience with one record a day in 2012. He discuses art direction and packaging of one vinyl per day.
Loving the idea behind Ambrose in Holland, MI: “[To] develop sustainable spaces where mentoring communities can build creative confidence and competence in youth. We do this by inviting guest artists, designers and students to make tees based on workshops exploring our community, creativity and commerce. Profits from the tees support the program.”
Utilizing nearly 2,000 feet of yellow tape, the team at the London office of Evidently design an indoors supergraphic that requires some effort to see.