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Lead Image

MSU College of Arts & Letters Holiday Card


Production Method




Joshua Morey

Ryan Kilkoyne: Marketing Director, Writer



Mama's Sauce


Joshua Morey, in-house designer for Michigan State University, and his team of student elves deliver a set of super-thick, duplexed and letterpressed coasters designed to outlast all those holiday hot toddy chocolates. 




Quantity Produced

350 sets

Production Cost


Production Time

35 Days

Dimensions (Width × Height × Depth)

Page Count

Paper Stock

330 DTC (220 DTC duplexed to 110C)

Number of Colors

3 PMS (567 + 376 + 871)



Hand Assembled


Smoothy Script
Handdrawn Letterforms


MSU College of Arts & Letters 2014 Holiday Card
MSU College of Arts & Letters 2014 Holiday Card
MSU College of Arts & Letters 2014 Holiday Card
MSU College of Arts & Letters 2014 Holiday Card
MSU College of Arts & Letters 2014 Holiday Card
MSU College of Arts & Letters 2014 Holiday Card
MSU College of Arts & Letters 2014 Holiday Card
MSU College of Arts & Letters 2014 Holiday Card
MSU College of Arts & Letters 2014 Holiday Card
MSU College of Arts & Letters 2014 Holiday Card
MSU College of Arts & Letters 2014 Holiday Card ---

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Project Description

With the recent launch of MSU's capital campaign we wanted a holiday "€œcard"€ that would live a little longer than just the short holiday season. We created a set of four letterpressed coasters on super thick, duplexed, Nennah Lettra cotton paper, wrapped in a screenprinted bellyband. Each coaster has a custom pattern illustration on the front in dark and lime green and the back contains information on the four pillars of the campaign messaging. This was placed inside a small metal tin with a screenprinted dark green card as the backing. The tin has a sticker affixed to the front with campaign graphics. Finally, all of this was placed in a kraft stayflat with an additional patterned label and was sent off to the College's donors, alums, and close friends.

In the end, our card became a small gift that we hope will have a lasting impact.

Production Lesson(s)

This was my first opportunity to turn a project over to a commercial letterpress printer. Mama's Sauce had to do a little bit of hand holding to iron out all of the details, they were amazing to work with, and we got there. Originally, we were going to use Ahlstrom 600g Blotter board, but there was an issue getting the stock in time, so we had to swap out to the Lettra. With any holiday project, no matter how far in advance you try to plan, you almost always end up rushing to send them out the week before Christmas. I had a hefty team of elves (student interns) putting these together at full speed to make it happen.”

Post Author

Author Picture

Kelly Cree

Writer for UnderConsideration LLC.

More: Online / On Twitter


Date Published

October 5, 2015


Filed Under

Holiday Card


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UnderConsideration is a graphic design firm generating its own projects, initiatives, and content while taking on limited client work. Run by Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit in Bloomington, IN. More…

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Brand New / Displaying opinions and focusing solely on corporate and brand identity work.

Art of the Menu / Cataloguing the underrated creativity of menus from around the world.

Quipsologies / Chronicling the most curious, creative, and notable projects, stories, and events of the graphic design industry on a daily basis.

products we sell

Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work.

Brand New Conference videos / Individual, downloadable videos of every presentation since 2010.

Prints / A variety of posters, the majority from our AIforGA series.

Other / Various one-off products.

events we organize

Brand New Conference / A two-day event on corporate and brand identity with some of today's most active and influential practitioners from around the world.

Brand Nieuwe Conference / Ditto but in Amsterdam.

Austin Initiative for Graphic Awesomeness / A speaker series in Austin, TX, featuring some of the graphic design industry's most awesome people.


Favorite Things we've Made / In our capacity as graphic designers.

Projects we've Concluded / Long- and short-lived efforts.

UCllc News / Updates on what's going at the corporate level of UnderConsideration.

The End