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Lead Image

Apinya Thai Food Co. Labels


Production Method





Photography: Hannah Ross



Century Label

The labels for this line of Thai sauces incorporate Thai cultural elements and acknowledge design facets from existing Thai food packaging. The octopus looks like it is really enjoying these sauces. Having the ingredients wrapped in its tentacles is a cute touch. 



Apinya Thai Food Co.

Quantity Produced


Production Cost


Production Time

20 days

Dimensions (Width × Height × Depth)

3 × 4 in

Page Count

1 (three labels)

Paper Stock

Bottle label: Clear polypropylene
Top label: Bright silver paper

Number of Colors

6 (4cp+2 hits white+red foil)


Glossy laminate



Layiji Rudon
FF Good


Description ---

Recent Posts



Project Description

The creative team designed the overall brand for Apinya Thai Food Co. based on extensive research of Thai cultural design elements and existing Thai food packaging. The brief required that the product be quickly visually recognizable, include references to Thai culture, and focus on details to convey a high-quality product. The label artwork was custom illustrated to reflect a “maximal” aesthetic of Thai design while staying visually balanced.

The octopus character is unique, eye-catching, and real octopus pairs well with the hot sauce itself. A clear label was used to include the bright color of the sauce as part of the design. The octopus’s tentacles showcase the main ingredients and he even has a mouth full of the sauce if you look closely.

Production Lesson(s)

The first time these were printed, the polypropylene was too thin and melted as the bottles were filled. We had to research thicker varieties that could withstand up to 200 degree heat.”

Post Author

Author Picture

Duncan Robertson

Current intern at UnderConsideration LLC.

More: Online / On Twitter


Date Published

November 7, 2013


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UnderConsideration is a graphic design enterprise that runs a network of blogs, publishes books, organizes live events and judged competitions, and designs for clients.


Brand New / Displaying opinions and focusing solely on corporate and brand identity work.

Art of the Menu / Cataloguing the underrated creativity of menus from around the world.

Quipsologies / Chronicling the most curious, creative, and notable projects, stories, and events of the graphic design industry on a daily basis.

Speak Up (2002 – 2009) / Discussing, and looking for, what is relevant in, and the relevance of, graphic design. Archives Only.

Word It (2003 – 2010) / Encouraging creative diversity in the community through monthly, one-word challenges. Archives Only.

Brand New Classroom (2010 – 2011) / Providing a space for critique and opinions on student identity workArchives Only.

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Department of Design / Designing corporate and brand identities and full development of printed and digital matter for clients.


The 2010 FPO Awards / 2011, self-published.

The 2010 Brand New Awards / 2011, self-published.

Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work / 2010, self-published.

Events & Judged Competitions

Brand New Conference / A one-day event on the development of corporate and brand identity projects by some of today’s most active and influential practitioners from around the world.

Brand New Awards / Celebrating the best identity work produced around the world.

FPO Awards / Celebrating the best print work from around the world.


Graphic Design, Referenced: A Visual Guide to the Language, Applications, and History of Graphic Design / 2009, Rockport.

Women of Design: Influence and Inspiration from the Original Trailblazers to the New Groundbreakers / 2008, HOW Books.

The Word It Book: Speak Up Presents a Gallery of Interpreted Words / 2007, HOW Books.

The End