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Roosevelt University

Quantity Produced

30,000 of each booklet (14 different ones)

Production Cost

Production Time

1 month

Dimensions (Width × Height × Depth)

5.625 in × 8.625 in

Page Count

Ten 8-page books
Four 12-page books

Paper Stock

Cover: Finch Fine 80 lb. Cover
Interior: Finch Fine 100 lb. Text

Number of Colors



Satin Aqueous




Locator by Process Type Foundry
Chronicle by H&FJ
Tungsten by H&FJ


Intricate projects in the thousands of copies are stressful enough, but if you are a brave soul then you will introduce things like custom die-cuts and large areas of CMYK color that need to match across 14 booklets to keep everyone in the production chain awake at night. Of course, if you pair this with beautiful informational graphics and a good concept to back it up, most people won’t mind the extra work.

As if the name doesn’t say it all, Faust was retained by Chicago’s Roosevelt University to create a non-traditional college viewbook that would establish a unique visual vernacular for the school and attract an audience of smart urban youth and new millennials who share a confident sense of self and are looking to go to school in an environment that is a reflection of them. Faust did so in multiple ways: by rejecting the status quo of designing around images of happy coeds, by creating template-resistant, poster-like page designs oriented around purposely unembellished facts impactful to the intended audience and by designing a custom interlocking system for the 14 individual booklets. The result is one of those things you have to see, touch, assemble and disassemble to understand. But, trust us, it’s cool.

This project challenged all parties along the food chain: the client, designer, writer, editor and printer all went above and beyond to deliver something new. And “challenged” is meant in a good way, the client had to believe in us to sell it up through his many stakeholders with little more than a sketch and a hand comp of the form, we had to believe that the printer understood the value of precision, both regarding color and die-cut calibration, on the end result of this piece. And the printer had to believe that his round-the-clock efforts to would pay off in a pride-worthy piece the likes of which he hadn’t seen before. That said, all parties had to rely on each other to execute seemingly never-ending minute adjustments in a timely manner. Trims were being tested by increments of 64ths at all hours of the day and night (there are 1:47am emails to prove it). The end result: a praise-worthy piece that pushes the boundaries of what an academic view book can be.

Roosevelt University Un-Viewbooks ---Roosevelt University Un-Viewbooks ---Roosevelt University Un-Viewbooks ---Roosevelt University Un-Viewbooks ---Roosevelt University Un-Viewbooks ---Roosevelt University Un-Viewbooks ---Roosevelt University Un-Viewbooks ---Roosevelt University Un-Viewbooks ---Roosevelt University Un-Viewbooks ---Roosevelt University Un-Viewbooks ---Roosevelt University Un-Viewbooks


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Roosevelt University Un-Viewbooks


Production Method




Faust Associates: Bob Faust, Dave Pabellon, Ben Deter, Erin Huizenga



Printing Arts

1 Comment

This post was published in the original layout of FPO so all images are smaller. Project descriptions as well as production lessons are quoted in the main content area.

Post Author


Author Picture

Bryony Gomez-Palacio

Editor of FPO and co-founder of UnderConsideration LLC.

More: Online / On Twitter


Date Published

December 6, 2011


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About UnderConsideration

UnderConsideration is a graphic design firm generating its own projects, initiatives, and content while taking on limited client work. Run by Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit in Bloomington, IN. More…

blogs we publish

Brand New / Displaying opinions and focusing solely on corporate and brand identity work.

Art of the Menu / Cataloguing the underrated creativity of menus from around the world.

Quipsologies / Chronicling the most curious, creative, and notable projects, stories, and events of the graphic design industry on a daily basis.

products we sell

Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work.

Brand New Conference videos / Individual, downloadable videos of every presentation since 2010.

Prints / A variety of posters, the majority from our AIforGA series.

Other / Various one-off products.

events we organize

Brand New Conference / A two-day event on corporate and brand identity with some of today's most active and influential practitioners from around the world.

Brand Nieuwe Conference / Ditto but in Amsterdam.

Austin Initiative for Graphic Awesomeness / A speaker series in Austin, TX, featuring some of the graphic design industry's most awesome people.


Favorite Things we've Made / In our capacity as graphic designers.

Projects we've Concluded / Long- and short-lived efforts.

UCllc News / Updates on what's going at the corporate level of UnderConsideration.

The End