





Paul Engel

Instructor and Art Director

Margrethe Lauber


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Paul Engel
SUNY Cobleskill

Victory Sports & Event Management by Paul Engel of SUNY CobleskillVictory Sports & Event Management by Paul Engel of SUNY Cobleskill


A new sports man­age­ment com­pa­ny whose begin­nings are root­ed in char­i­ty run­ning events such as 5Ks, walk for a cure, half marathons, etc., for char­i­ties, high schools, col­leges, and ath­let­ic clubs in the north­east­ern U.S.


Design an icon/logo that embod­ies all sports, has strong imagery, and will not be sub­ject to changes in design trends. The pur­pose is to encom­pass not just run­ning but all sports, begin­ning with high school and col­le­giate events.


For the solu­tion I began with a typo­graph­ic approach for the logo. Vic­to­ry would undoubt­ed­ly become the short­ened name of the brand, so the imagery from its def­i­n­i­tion drove the final design. Encom­pass­ing all sports trig­gered the idea of the olympics and the torch. Being that his busi­ness mod­el was that of work­ing togeth­er to car­ry out an event, it fit nice­ly with “pass­ing the torch”. Using the V, I based its design from the type­face Lust by Pos­i­type with some slight ter­mi­nal and stroke weight changes. Adding the flame above the stronger down stroke of the V sim­u­lat­ed a torch nice­ly. The sharp ter­mi­nals toe the line between a stronger serif, and none at all.

This was a class assignment for a logo with an actual client. Victory is a newly named, but existing business in upstate New York. The client is a professor of Athletics at the college. Paul was tasked with designing an identity for this sports management company that organizes events. He was able to meet with the individual to discuss the needs of the project and the goals of the brand. Paul was successful in conveying the spirit of the company through the formal use of the classical references of columns and an Olympic torch, and the concept of victory. The client was extremely satisfied with this winning logo. — Margrethe Lauber, Professor at SUNY Cobleskill

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