Basic Identity Applications






Creative Directors and Designers

Allegra Poschmann, Siavash Khasha


Marie-Reine Mattera


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Trimfit by Booth and Studio ScopeTrimfit by Booth and Studio ScopeTrimfit by Booth and Studio ScopeTrimfit by Booth and Studio ScopeTrimfit by Booth and Studio Scope


Estab­lished in 1921 by three broth­ers sell­ing whole­sale hosiery to mer­chants in New York, NY, the busi­ness grew in the 1930s when it acquired a tex­tile fac­to­ry to man­u­fac­ture its own socks. Since then, the com­pa­ny has expand­ed its prod­uct range to tights, as well as socks for men, women, and children.


Trim­fit is a lega­cy brand, mark­ing its hun­dredth year in the gar­ment indus­try. The com­pa­ny des­per­ate­ly need­ed a brand refresh that would (once again!) place them at the fore­front of the chil­dren’s appar­el busi­ness in North Amer­i­ca. Addi­tion­al­ly, Trim­fit was look­ing to expand its prod­uct offer­ing, so it was impor­tant to devel­op a sys­tem that was mal­leable enough to appeal to adults as well as children.


The chal­lenge was cre­at­ing a brand that was acces­si­ble enough for the big box stores as well as bou­tiques. With focus on brand recog­ni­tion, we pro­duced a stream­lined visu­al plat­form that is flex­i­ble enough for a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions; a brand iden­ti­ty sys­tem that uses a fresh and con­tem­po­rary palette of col­ors to dis­tin­guish itself against key com­peti­tors in the mar­ket­place. Paper props were intro­duced to mir­ror the mag­ic and whim­sy of child­hood, and a pat­tern was devel­oped and applied across all col­lat­er­al as a graph­ic device that adds a touch of play­ful­ness to in-store displays—in doing so, we cre­at­ed a sys­tem that not only speaks to the child, but also the consumer.

We at Trimfit are exceptionally pleased with the re-branding process. I think Allegra Poschmann had an even more difficult time with our project than a project in the building phase. She had to consider our foundation, our history, and our future as a singular vision that everyone had to agree upon. Not easy when each element has to be fundamentally tied together. We are looking forward to a continuation of the process as we expand and diversify our brand into additional classifications. This re-branding is just the beginning, not the end, and Allegra is going to share our vision for years ahead. — Mark Mexicott, CEO at Trimfit

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