Comprehensive Identity Programs





Art Directors and Designers

Julien Alirol, Paul Ressencourt

Photography by



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Nördik Impakt 15

Nördik Impakt 15 by MurmureNördik Impakt 15 by MurmureNördik Impakt 15 by MurmureNördik Impakt 15 by MurmureNördik Impakt 15 by MurmureNördik Impakt 15 by MurmureNördik Impakt 15 by MurmureNördik Impakt 15 by MurmureNördik Impakt 15 by MurmureNördik Impakt 15 by MurmureNördik Impakt 15 by MurmureNördik Impakt 15 by MurmureNördik Impakt 15 by Murmure


Locat­ed in Caen, close to Paris, the Nördik Impakt fes­ti­val was cre­at­ed 15 years ago by Arts Attack! It is quick­ly becom­ing one of the most impor­tant French and Euro­pean elec­tron­ic festivals.


For its 15th year, Art­sAt­tack! called on Mur­mure to cre­ate its glob­al com­mu­ni­ca­tions. They want­ed an ele­gant, con­tem­po­rary, and elec­tron­ics graph­ic exe­cu­tion across all of the fes­ti­val mate­ri­als includ­ing print, media, street mar­ket­ing, mer­chan­dis­ing, and web. The client also asked for bud­getary con­sid­er­a­tions to work with black and white and sim­ple print­ing processes.


In line with the image elec­tron­ic music can cre­ate, we want­ed to cre­ate an artis­tic direc­tion with elec­tron­ic con­no­ta­tions which par­al­leled both the sen­si­bil­i­ty and ele­gance of the uni­verse of haute cou­ture based on geo­met­ric shapes and min­i­mal­ist col­ors. Through the form of teas­ing, the graph­ic iden­ti­ty is shaped through­out the dif­fer­ent medi­ums of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The ele­gance and sim­plic­i­ty of the motif we cre­at­ed enabled us to take over the city through large-scale oper­a­tions. Final­ly we pro­duced blan­kets and scarves mak­ing use of all the pos­si­ble graph­ic pat­terns we developed.

It has been three years that we entrusted to Murmure the visual identity of the Nördik Impakt festival. The main aim was to create a strong visual identity that allowed for a coherent and creative adaptation across various media, and a global artistic direction for the whole event. Like the past two years, the agency has known how to answer perfectly to our expectations, proposing a coherent and dynamic graphic identity, whatever the communication media: print, web, merch, signage and, this year, street-marketing. Since we began working with Murmure, the feedback is always excellent. The work is frequently awarded and published for its creative quality. Our merchandising products are hugely requested and envied in the musical events universe. Finally, to bring a more pragmatically answer, all of our stats are increasing: tickets, web trafic, and following on social networks. — Damien Bullet, Communication Manager at Le Cargö for Arts Attack!

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