Comprehensive Identity Programs






Creative Director

Stuart Watson


Liam Hamill, Isabelle Quevilly

Project Manager

Katy Bottomley


George Adams


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King by venturethreeKing by venturethreeKing by venturethreeKing by venturethreeKing by venturethree


The world leader in cross-plat­form, bite-sized games, offer­ing 150 exclu­sive games, with titles such as Can­dy Crush Saga and Bub­ble Witch. It has grown rapid­ly to become the largest devel­op­er of games in the world on Face­book and a leader in mobile with over 108 mil­lion month­ly players.


Our brief was to posi­tion King as the leader for this new form of gaming—the HBO or Pixar of the casu­al games world. An indeli­ble mark of fun and qual­i­ty that when attached to a game title would appeal to play­ers every­where. We want­ed to cre­ate an icon­ic visu­al iden­ti­ty. The chal­lenge was to keep the ele­ments as min­i­mal as possible—capable of work­ing at 16 pix­els square but scal­able at the same time—whilst keep­ing its orig­i­nal name and crown logo. 


We designed a quirky new logo writ­ing King in the shape of a crown, and we cre­at­ed a brand that com­pli­ments the games rather than over­shad­ow them. We rec­om­mend­ed a shift from to a sim­pler, more con­fi­dent King. A brand fit for all plat­forms. We trans­formed an old-fash­ioned iden­ti­ty into a dynam­ic set of assets for online, on tablets, on Face­book and beyond. We cre­at­ed a new brand archi­tec­ture sys­tem which will help King grow in the future and com­mu­ni­cate to play­ers with sim­plic­i­ty the diver­si­ty of their port­fo­lio. King now has 50 mil­lion dai­ly play­ers with Can­dy Crush Saga being the most played game on Face­book. In Hong Kong alone, it’s esti­mat­ed that 1 in 7 peo­ple play it. King’s focus on Bite­size Bril­liance will help the game reach new heights of pop­u­lar­i­ty. And as the com­pa­ny launch­es excit­ing new mul­ti-plat­form titles, they have a clear posi­tion­ing as the world’s num­ber one in snack­able entertainment.

We really enjoyed working with v3. Together with our own creative team, they helped us to develop a high quality brand look and feel. Their advice and consultancy was always well considered and it was a pleasure to work with them to create a new concept for us around the idea of Bitesize Brilliance. — Alex Dale, CMO at King

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