Comprehensive Identity Programs






Creative Director

Tilman Solé


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Fisix by MuchoFisix by MuchoFisix by MuchoFisix by MuchoFisix by MuchoFisix by MuchoFisix by Mucho


This inno­v­a­tive project was ini­ti­at­ed by four friends who run marathons togeth­er when they could­n’t find a range of cos­met­ic prod­ucts that met their needs as sportsmen.


The ini­tial phase was to cre­ate a name that reflect­ed a con­tem­po­rary way of prac­tic­ing sports that would appeal to sports men and women.


We then gen­er­at­ed a visu­al sys­tem that dif­fer­en­ti­ates each prod­uct by using the lines that appear in courts or lim­its of sport­ing fields. By crop­ping and rein­ter­pret­ing these lines we cre­at­ed lib­er­at­ing abstract shapes. We uti­lized a mix­ture of pas­tel col­ors with a con­stant dark gray along­side ele­gant typog­ra­phy in the logo to appeal to both mas­cu­line and fem­i­nine audiences. 

We had several big challenges when we started to create Fisix. We had a great product but no name, no design, and no defined corporate values. Our first goal was to define the company philosophy and values. The Mucho team worked with us on strategy from the very beginning. There was a working dynamic between the Mucho team, our staff, and product developers, all the way through to the CEO of the company. Working in this way allowed Mucho to really understand the personality and needs of our business. We are a start-up so they understood that we had limited resources in which to communicate the brand and didn’t have big budgets to work with. The resulting design for the overall identity and range of products had an immediate impact in the marketplace. It generated a huge amount of publicity and was key to the success of the brand. We believe that Mucho’s philosophy of getting 100% involved in every step of the brand, from the initial meetings until launch was the key to this success. It’s also what makes them a very special design company. — Silvano Guillamet, Marketing Director at Fisix

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